“Yes, well. Gertha’s got to go.” He makes a face at me. “I stand by my words: That car is a death trap waiting to happen.”
I try to kick him but he dodges, and then leans down to kiss me across my forehead, “You were so adorable and angry, that I wanted to kiss you.”
I frown at him, “I would probably have pepper-sprayed you if you had done that.”
Steven roars with laughter.
“It’s true. I don’t go around kissing strangers.”
“Not anymore, you won’t.”
He twirls a loose strand of my hair around his finger and studies me with an intense look, “When I came across you again, you were such a smart ass that I wanted to put you across my knee. And when I thought of that, I thought of other ways to make you surrender, and it was just a downward spiral from there.”
I raise a brow, my cheeks slightly red because I wouldn’t have minded getting spanked by him, “So, basically, you were a pervert.”
He yanks my hair, maki
ng me growl, and he smirks, “You bring out the pervert in me, Abby. You kept resisting even though I could tell you wanted me too.”
“Yes, well. I think it’s fair to say you bring out the pervert in me, too,” I couldn’t help laughing.
He turns sober, “It was more than that, though. I watched the way you loved Aaron with such open affection, the kind he craved and had never gotten before. And I wanted it too. I wanted you to look at me with those laughing smiles, as well. I was jealous of my own son.”
“I don’t know whose heart you stole first, mine or Aaron’s, but the minute I got you in my bed that night, I swore that I would never let you leave it again.”
My eyes widened at the confession, the part of me that had me holding back from dreaming, shattered, and my eyes filled with tears.
“What? What’s wrong?”
Steven jumped to his feet and then kneeled by my side.
I rub my eyes, “When you told the lady at the market that you didn’t know how you got so lucky, I kept telling myself that you were just saying that to end the conversation and that you didn’t mean it. And then, when you just called me your girlfriend, I tried not to be too happy because I was so scared you would break my heart. So, I was just trying to enjoy whatever time I got with you.”
I felt the soft kisses on my cheeks and temple, and heard Steven sigh my name.
“I love you.”
When he froze, I refused to look at him. He forced my chin up, desperation in his eyes, “Tell me you mean that.”
I give him a shy nod.
“Say it again,” He demands, as if he didn’t believe me.
“I love you.”
“I love you, Steven.”
He heaved a shuddering breath and buried his face in my lap. My fingers automatically buried themselves in his thick hair.
“I thought I would have to put in more effort in making you fall in love with me.”
“Well, I don’t just go around getting shot for everyone,” I try to joke, my heart beating so fast that I couldn’t keep up. “You and Aaron forced your way into my heart and now you refuse to leave.”
He looks up at me and we stare at each other.
I could feel the way his heart was racing, his chest against my knees, and I lean down to kiss him.