I stare at him, “Fly to Florida with them? On my salary? That’s not every feasible. Besides…,”

I sigh, heavily, leaning down to fix my socks, “They wanted to spend Christmas with their friends. I didn’t want them to stay back just because I didn’t want to spend Christmas alone.”

Steven doesn’t say anything for a few moments and then he asks, “So what will you do for Christmas?”

I shrug, feeling the depression sink in at the thought of spending Christmas alone, “I don’t know. Make some eggnog, bake some cookies, watch some movies.”

On an afterthought, I add, “Prank call Scarlett. That’s always fun.”

“Why don’t you stay here?”

I look up at him, a little confused. “I don’t want to go to Hawaii for Christmas. I can’t afford it, and I’m not letting anyone pay for my ticket. I’m a strong, independent woman.”

Steven rolls his eyes at me, “With the way you glared at me when I paid for lunch the other day, if I ever want to give you something, I’ll just tell you that you won it in the raffle.”

He waggles his eyebrows at me, before turning serious, “I meant here, though. Aaron is adamant on having a proper Christmas at home.”

I shift, uncomfortably, “I’m sorry about that. I shouldn’t have interfered in your family affairs. That was crossing a line.”

Steven stands up and walks over to me, seating himself on the arm of my chair, “Well, it’s done. You can’t undo it. Unless you plan to tell Aaron that Santa is actually an evil leprechaun that eats children on Christmas if they stay home.”

I stare at him, saying slowly, “That’s dark. I’m not telling him that.”

He watches me, with a small grin, “Then it’s settled. You’ll spend Christmas with us.”

As he stands up, I grab his hand, forcing him back down, “What are you saying? Look, Christmas is a family event. I can’t just insert myself into-“

I see the flare of irritation, before he can hide it, “I want you here. Aaron already worships the ground you walk on, so you being here would be like the best Christmas present he could receive. I don’t see what’s the problem.”

When my mouth moves, and no words come out, he leans over and closes my jaw with his finger, “I’ve never celebrated Christmas. Not like the one you described or the ones you see on TV. I wouldn’t mind having that experience.”

Steven leans back and studies me, “Unless, you don’t want to spend your Christmas with us?”

I know a trap when I see one, and I notice the smugness in Steven’s eyes when I walked neatly into it.

“If you’re sure you want me, then I’d love to spend the Christmas here.”

Steven just gives me an innocent smile.

It took three days for the weather to settle down.

Three days of Steven bending me over on every available surface he could find when there was no one around and fucking my brains out.

Three days of eating, sleeping, and having sex.

In the evenings, Aaron and I would watch a few movies till he would fall asleep with his head on my lap.

I didn’t realize how important a female figure was in a child’s life till I started noticing how attached Aaron had started getting to me.

And it worried me.

Not because I didn’t like it. But because whatever this thing between his father and me was, the moment it ends, I wouldn’t be around that much at all, and it might hurt the child.

As I sink deeper into the bubble bath I had drawn for myself, I squash the voices inside my head saying that Aaron wouldn’t be the only one who would be broken.

Moodily, I stare at the bathroom tiles.

My feelings for Steven were complicated. My body gravitated toward him every time he moved, a completely unconscious gesture.