Chapter 14

“Are you sure you’ll be fine on your own?” I ask Scarlett.

“It’s only a few days. Besides, I have a friend staying over, so I’m good,” Scarlett reassures me.

I hear a male voice in the background before she hastily cuts the line, and I wonder who it was.

Staring at my cell phone, I wonder who that could be.

I really hoped it wasn’t Collin.

Stuffing my phone in my bag, I get up and start looking for Steven.

I felt a little uneasy about my words from this morning. Christmas was a family matter and I shouldn’t have interfered. I crossed a line and I wanted to make amends.

However, the house was so big that I ended up wandering the hallways.

“Can I help you, Miss?”

I blink at Jarvis who smiles at me.

“I – I was looking for Steven.” I stammer out, a little taken aback at his sudden appearance.

Jarvis glances at his watch, “He would be in his office, right now. Would you like me to take you to him?”

I shuffle my feet, “If it’s not too much trouble.”

“Not at all. Follow me.”

He leads me up another flight of stairs to a carpeted hallway that seems familiar. I remember passing it by last night.

He gestures toward a heavy oak door, “You’ll find Master Tanner inside.”

I watch him leave, before hesitantly knocking on the door, and peering inside.

Steven was sitting behind a huge desk that seemed mighty expensive, in an arm chair that looked like it had been made just for him.

He was on the telephone, and I wondered why he would have that. It just seemed so old fashioned. But this man continuously surprises me.

He looks up and I see a hint of surprise and pleasure flash through his eyes as he waves me in.

I close the door behind me and lean against it, studying the interior of the room.

It looks like one of those old-fashion offices that you would find in the magazines of the fifties, that belonged to the wealthiest aristocrats.

But then, Steven’s dressing style fits right in here. That long trench coat, that impeccable suit without a single wrinkle.

The room is also carpeted, and my shoes made no sound as I make my way to him.

He pats his leg, raising a brow when I make a face and chose to lean against the desk, instead.

However, the one thing that I observed was that Steven liked to have his way, and he always preferred to have me on his lap.

Not a minute later, I was on his lap, one of his arms around my waist like a steel band, restraining me.

I sigh.

He seemed to be on an important call, so I didn’t bother him, instead running my hands over the smooth surface of his desk, my mind pondering over this man.