Roaring with laughter at my childish expression, he flips me underneath him.

Pressing kisses on my lips and nose, he licks my cheek, finding it hilarious when I try to push him off.

“I did more than lick you, last night, Abby,” He laughs.

This time when he nears my face, I sink my teeth in his shoulder, making him roll over to safety, eyeing me with laughter in his eyes, “You’re a feisty one, aren’t you?”

I snap my teeth at him, “I’ll bite you if you lick me again!”

Seeing the interest spark in his eyes, I groan, a sound of both amusement and exasperation.

I had expected an awkward next morning, mostly on my part, but as I watch Steven put on a soft cashmere pullover over his jeans, I feel my heart cave a little bit.

This man couldn’t be this perfect, could he?

“Dad! Jarvis says we can have pancakes for breakfast if we don’t make a mess in the kitchen.”

The door opens to a sleepy-eyed Aaron in his pyjamas.

He stares at me and then rubs his eyes, and then stares some more.

The delight in his eyes was unmistakeable, “Miss Abby?”

I wave my fingers at him, a little awkwardly, “Hi!”

He rushes over to me, “Are you having breakfast with us?”

He couldn’t stop jumping with excitement, “Do you want to help us make pancakes?!”

I stare helplessly at Steven who waggles his eyebrows at me.

And just like that I find myself in the kitchen, wearing a T-shirt that was far too baggy for me and boxers that I had to tighten around my waist with a bowstring, making chocolate-chip pancakes.

“You’re doing it wrong!” I snatch the bowl from Steven who was whipping the batter like it was a life and death situation.

“Hey!” He growls at me, offended.

I roll my eyes at him, “It’s pancake batter, not the kid who stole your pencil in grade school.”

Aaron stood on a stool, whisking the eggs, holding the bowl to his chest as he tries not to spill any, “Am I doing it right, Abby?”

I let him call me Abby, since it was weird to hear him call me Miss Abby while I was in his home.

“That’s great!” I ruffle his hair. “You keep whipping those eggs for one more minute.”

I eye Steven warily, “You can use a stove, can’t you?”

He scoffs at me, “In my sleep.”

Aaron looks up, confused, “I thought Jarvis said you weren’t allowed near the stove because you bl-“

His father put his hand over his mouth, glaring at him, “Not another word.”

I shrug, eyeing the storm still raging outside, and let Steven heat the stove.

The pancakes turn out a little too done, at least the first few. After the first batch, I nudge Steven aside with my hip and take over.

It was half an hour later that we sat down for breakfast. I watch both father and son devour the eggs and pancakes.