“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say, stone-faced.

She pokes me with the folder in her hand. “Don’t try to hide it. We already got the details out of her.”

My smile slips. “What details?”

“That you went to her to her hometown to help her with something and then the lights went out and—”

“Get out!” I push at her when she leers at me.

She makes kissing sounds over her shoulder as she leaves, laughing all the while.

The more time she spends with Caleb, the more devious she’s becoming. But as I walk over to get Halley, I think to myself that the look in her eyes has brightened significantly since she and Caleb got together. The hollowness that had been there when I first saw her, the raw look of hunger in her eyes, the dull acceptance, they’ve been meticulously and ruthlessly erased by her husband and childhood love, he’s replaced them with joy, mischievousness, and contentment.

I smile to myself.

However, that turns into a scowl when I see the man leaning over Halley’s desk, pointing to something on her screen. His hand is on the back of her chair as he’s leaning in too close to my woman. My surly temper ignites, and I have the urge to grab the man by his shirt and punch him. However, this is the office and beating somebody up who’s flirting with my girlfriend might not reflect so well on me, so I have no choice but to glower at him.

The man sees me from the corner of his eye and he immediately straightens up.

I recognize him as Richard Templeton from the IT department. He doesn’t even work on this floor! I stare at him coldly.

He swiftly removes his hand from the back of Halley’s chair, who is seemingly oblivious to both of us, her screen running a complicated program.

“Do you have some business here, Richard?” I put my hand on Halley’s shoulder.

She glances up at me in surprise. “Hey! Richard had some question about—”

“Caleb wants to see us. Richard can wait.”

She stares at my ferocious scowl and her entire expression tightens. “Is this about…?” When I give a brief nod, she jumps to her feet, locking her computer. “Sorry, Richard. I’ll help you out later.”

“If she has time,” I add.

She won’t.

I’ll make sure of it.

The man looks at me warily.

I put one hand on Halley’s back, pleased when his eyes narrow in annoyance.

She’s already mine, you fuckhead.

Halley is too tense to notice the silent tension between me and her new friend.

I’m grateful for that because I don’t want to open my mouth and let her know just how much of a possessive asshole I’ve learned I can be.

When we reach Caleb’s office, I’m not surprised to see Lucas standing behind Caleb. From my understanding, if there’s anyone my brother-in-law considers a friend, it’s him.

Halley, however, freezes when she sees the calm lawyer, and she shoots me a questioning look.

“It’s all right,” I mutter. “I had a feeling he’d be here.”

My words seem to give her some confidence.

When I catch Lucas smirking in my direction, I see that my hands are on Halley’s shoulders. I scowl at him but my eyes move towards the nervous-looking man sitting across from Caleb.

He’s well dressed and looks to be in his mid forties. And yet, he’s hunched over like a teenager who knows he’s in trouble.