She looks away after a moment. “I should go.”

Yes, she should. She’s really starting to test my self-control.

The whole weekend goes by without seeing hide or hair of Halley, and for the first time ever, I find myself impatiently waiting for Monday to come.

I reach the office early and see Elise standing at the front desk with Lucas, who’s holding Sophie in his arms.

“Morning!” Lucas greets me.

The man is always smiling but underneath his eyes, I see the cruel monster that lurks. I’ve seen how easily and ruthlessly he destroyed an entire empire in front of my eyes, dragging them to court, stripping them of everything but the clothes on their backs. I’ve also seen how vicious he is when it comes to protecting his friends and family.

Lucas Black is a dangerous man, one I want to keep a healthy distance from.

I’m not a particularly violent man but I have a temper, which I keep very tightly leashed because of certain reasons.

The last time I lost my head was when a boy in my neighborhood called my mother a two-bit whore. I had broken his head with a lead pipe and he had been hospitalized for a month.

So, I control my temper with a tight fist.

However, Lucas is like a prowling tiger, who camouflages his stripes under a pleasant demeanor. In front of his cheerful fiancée, he's completely relaxed.

Sometimes, I wonder if Elise really knows what he’s like, but there are times when I feel that she does and she accepts him.

Elise smiles at me, warmly. “Did Halley show you what she bought?”

Lucas blinks at his wife. “Why would she show him—?”

Elise pinches him on his arm, making him wince, her smile not faltering in the least. “Did she?”

I shove my hands in my pockets. “Ah, no. But she seemed really grateful to you for helping her shop.”

“So, you haven’t seen her this morning?”

Elise’s smile is making me more and more wary by the second.

“Ah, no.” I narrow my eyes at her. “It’s too early for her to—”

“Oh, she came in ten minutes ago,” Elise informs me, now smirking broadly.

I stare at her, my feet screaming at me to go see the woman who’s turning my whole world upside down.

Elise raises a brow. “What are you looking at me for?”

I don’t hesitate, hurrying towards the elevator, which is open as if waiting for me.

As the doors close behind me, I hear Elise sigh. “Those two are so cute.”

Ears red, I pretend I didn’t hear it but my feet move quickly once I reach my floor. The door of my office is open, and at the last few steps, I break into a run, only stopping once I’m standing in the entrance way.

However, to my disappointment, it’s empty.

Halley’s laptop is there along with her headphones and I can hear some faint music coming from them. However, there’s no Halley.

Heart sinking, I step into the room, taking off my messenger bag and tossing it onto the couch before shrugging out of my coat.

“You sure took your time,” a smug voice comes from behind me.

I whirl around, in the process of taking off my coat sleeve. My mouth turns dry at the sight before me.