“Of course not!”

“Then why would you say that?”

Fearing that my mind is seconds away from exploding, I jab a finger in her direction. “I’m taking you home whether you like it or not! Either you walk or I throw you over my shoulder and we go!”

Halley’s eyes widen at my statement and her cheeks flush.

It takes me a second to realize the implication behind my words and I rub my hands over my face, groaning, “That’s not what I meant!” When she just stares at me, her entire face red, I bark out, flustered, “Just get your goddamn stuff!”

Halley obeys, uncharacteristically obedient.

I snatch my bike keys and open the door for her.

She doesn’t meet my eyes, her ears red, as she walks past me.

I have a feeling this is going to come bite me in the ass.

In the parking garage, Halley stares at my bike. “We’re going home on that?”

I run my hands over my monstrous beauty, and feel defensive. “What’s wrong with it?”

Halley blinks. “That’s a death trap.”

“It’s my baby.” I stroke the gleaming metal, cooing, “Don’t listen to her. She doesn’t mean that.”

“First of all, I do.” Halley sniffs. ”And second, you’re weird. Who talks to their bike?”

I ignore her and climb on. When Halley doesn’t move, I give her an impatient look. “Well, get on.”

She wraps her arms around herself. “I don’t like bikes.”

I sigh. “You’re not going to fall off. Just keep your arms around me at all times.”

When her face flushes and she steps back, I groan again. “Just get on the bike, Halley!”

She shoots me a dirty look.

When she slips behind me on the bike and wraps her arms around me, I tense.

This was clearly a bad idea.

The way her arms are gripping me with her small body pressed against mine; it’s making it hard for me to focus.

“If you kill me, I’m reporting you to HR,” she squeaks out.

My lips twitch, and in retaliation, when we roar away, I apply some extra pressure to make the bike go faster. Her scream makes me grin.

But she grabs on to me even tighter and I bite my tongue.

By the time we reach the building and I park my bike, she is shaking, her face white, and I immediately feel guilty. But before I can say anything, she points towards the bike and says with unconcealed hatred, “I’m never riding that again!”

“I got you home in one piece, didn’t I?” I retort.

Halley glares at me then marches past me.

I follow at a leisurely pace.

As we enter the building, she blurts out, “Just so you know, I’m not going dancing because of you. I just changed my mind!”