She offers me more peanuts. “You can’t be flamboyant by calling yourself that. No, we need to give you a makeover.”

I tuck my tongue in my cheek. “Aren’t you going to tell me that I shouldn’t change who I am just because a man said something to me?”

Kendall rolls her eyes. “Not when you dress like that. Your color coordination is shit. I’ll go shopping with you.”

“Yours is just as bad, Kendall. What are you bragging about?” Lana appears from behind us.

Kendall scowls, “It is not!”

Ignoring her, Lana tells me, “You let her take you shopping, she’ll only buy you the cheapest of clothes.”

“It’s called having an eye for bargains,” Kendall protests.

“No, it’s called being a cheapskate.” Lana inserts herself between her and me. “I’ll take you. You need some proper colors. Since you like your style of clothing, we won’t change that all too much, but your color scheme definitely needs improving.”

When was the last time I had gone shopping with another female?

I turn to look at the only person who’s not participating in the conversation. “Elise, what do you say?”

Elise has a disapproving look on her face as she glares at her two friends, before turning to me. “Halley, there is nothing wrong with your clothes. Don’t let these two bully you into doing something you’re not ready for. You stand out and why shouldn’t you?”

Her words touch me and I tug at my skirt, ruefully. “The truth is, I like wearing these sort of clothes, even around the house. But I’ve never really thought about having a makeover because I never really left the house much.”

Lana’s expression is serious. “Elise is right. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to change your clothes. It isn’t like they’re going against the dress code. Trust me, I checked. And don’t feel compelled by that asshole’s comments.”

I glance at the three women and note the way they’re dressed and suddenly, I feel sort of immature. It’s not like I feel shabby as per, but they’re dressed so confidently and they look so graceful. So while I might not want to completely change myself when I’m outside the workplace, I want to look a little bit like them, so composed, so stylish and sexy.

My right hand moves to touch my feather earring and I pause, considering all this. “Well, maybe a makeover for the office would be okay. But I don’t want to change my jewelry. And it’s just for the office.”

Kendall pops a few peanuts in her mouth. “You know, if we give you that bowl haircut with the edges sharp at the bottom, it wouldn’t matter what accessory you wear, you’ll look hot as fuck.”

Lana flicks her on the hand. “Language.” However, she too looks intrigued. “That would look very sexy, I admit.” She looks around at everyone and her smile is slow and lethal, “So, I guess we’re going on a shopping spree this weekend.”

“Why are you smiling like that?”

The question jerks me from my thoughts and I blink in Jace’s direction. “Was I smiling?”

Jace is wearing an odd expression on his face. “Like a loon.”

I wonder what this is about as I immediately stiffen at the insult. “You’re a loon!”

He smirks. “I’m your boss.”

“Doesn’t stop you from being a deranged loon,” I mutter under my breath.

“You want to say that out loud?” he asks, pleasantly, a gleam in his eye.

Suddenly, I wonder if throwing my laptop at him will get me fired. So, I change tactics. “Say what out loud?” I ask, innocently, instead.

He glares at me and then his expression softens. “Well, you’re definitely feeling better.”

I give him a huge grin.

He glances at the clock. “We need to hand over the reports by tonight. Just give me what you’ve done and I’ll work on the rest.”

I frown. “But it’ll take me half the time to finish this, compared to you.” My tone isn’t mocking, it is the truth really.

He plays with the fidget cube that’s always on his desk for a few moments before looking up at me. “Are you sure you want to pull an all nighter here because that’s probably how long it will take us.”