By the time, Kendall is out of the shower, I’ve ordered some burgers from a famous burger chain nearby, and I’ve pulled on a shirt.

“These look good.” Kendall’s eyes gleam as she bites into one with relish.

“I thought you might like it,” I comment as I work on my own.

We get done with the food with my stealing her fries and some of her milkshake which she protests against but doesn’t exactly stop me.

Once we’re done, she walks over to the ugly looking couch and deposits herself on it, deliberately putting herself out of my reach.

I narrow my eyes at that but don’t comment on it. “Well, what would you like to talk about?”

She chews on her lower lip, staring at me, her brain working in overdrive as she tries to arrange the endless questions in her brain. “Are we dating?”

I think about it, carefully, taking apart the word and not liking the short-term implications of it. “No. We’re in a relationship.”

“What does that mean for me?” She’s watching me, a hint of nerves in her eyes.

“That I’m playing for keeps. I want to marry you. I want to have you in my life in every way.” When she swallows, I want to get up and go to her, but her body language indicates that it won’t be welcome, so I try explaining, “I’ve never connected with anyone the way I’ve done with you. I’ve never wanted to ether. Initially, I just wanted to take care of you. And then I met you, and I didn’t realize that you would have grown up just as I did, that you’d be a different person. I fell in love with that person. Maybe I had always been in love with you and I just didn’t know.”

I’m trying to be honest with her, and I feel a bit of alarm when she wipes her eyes.

Then she says, “Okay. Okay.” She takes a deep breath. “You want to marry me. That’s a lot to take in.”

I shrug. “It’s the truth. I’m sorry if it’s too blunt.”

She gives a shaky laugh. “No. You’ve always been blunt. Why stop now?”

I give a half smile and she returns it hesitantly. “What about my job?”

“What about it?” I feel a hint of confusion. “Do you want to quit?” I don’t like the idea of her quitting.

“No!” She brings her knees to her chest. “I just – I want to know if I still have one.”

I cock my head, puzzled. “Why wouldn’t you have your job?”

She looks uncomfortable. “I know you used to say before that my job wouldn’t be affected but I just thought maybe this would change things.”

“Do you like your job?” I ask steadily.

“Yeah. Not very fond of my boss, though.” A hint of sarcasm reflects in her voice.

I bite my tongue in an effort not to laugh. “Good. You shouldn’t be making eyes at anybody but me.” Then, I add, “Your job was never in jeopardy. You work for me, not the company, so this position was always open for you. Even if things hadn’t worked out, your job would always have been there. Not that you would have said no.”

“Excuse me?” Kendall blinks, a little annoyed. “I could have said no to you.”

A slow smile curls on my face, arrogance oozing from me. “No, you wouldn’t have. And even if you did, I would have won you over eventually.”

“Awfully cocky, aren’t you?” She looks like she’s trying not to reach out and hit me.

“When it comes to you, yes,” I respond, my eyes taking in the flush on her cheeks when I say, “All I had to do was talk you into my bed and then bamboozle you into a relationship.”

“Bamboozle,” Kendall echoes. “Not exactly a word that suits you, does it?”

I smirk. “Maybe not. But I wasn’t above manipulation. You think too highly of me, Kendall. I wasn’t above playing dirty to get you.”

She splutters at that but there is no hiding the pleased look in her eyes at the attempts I was willing to go to acquire her. “What about my apartment? I’m keeping it.” She looks are me, daring for me to say any different.

“Fine, but you sleep in my bed.”