His tone changes into a chastising one as he turns to Elise. “Didn’t I tell you to sit down?”

Elise looks disgruntled. “I have job, Mr. Black. I have to get back to it.”

Lucas gives me a mournful look. “She insists on calling me by last name. I’ve tried to change her mind so many times.”

Elise’s ears are red, and she doesn’t meet his eyes. “Yes, well—"

“I heard from Lana that you couldn’t keep your lunch down, so I brought you this apple pie from this fantastic bakery downtown.” He produces a small box from God knows where.

A flustered Elise accepts it. “You really shouldn’t, Mr…” A relenting glance at him, “Lucas.”

He grins triumphantly, and then checks his watch. “I’m late for a meeting. I look forward to working with you, Miss West!”

And just like that, he’s out the door.

“Well…” Elise stares at the box, an odd expression on her face.

I pretend not to notice and stand up. “Thank you for the water and being so kind.”

She smiles at me, distracted. “I’ll see you soon, then.”

I live in a two-room apartment with my friend, Tracy, and her five-year-old son, in Brentwood. It was not the best neighborhood to be living in. But the rent is cheap and, for now, it’s doable. Or at least, that’s what we’ve been saying for the past few years. Max is at school, and Tracy is at her morning shift at Al Caso, a small diner where she works as a cook.

I enter the small apartment and shrug off my blazer, rushing towards the fridge, my stomach growling now. A plate of meatloaf with a note next to it. I take out the plate and notice that the meat has been rationed.

Picking out one slice, although I know it won’t appease my hunger, I read the note.

‘Hope you get the job, babe! I brought some leftovers from work last night. See you in the evening! Xoxo’

I smile at the note and come across some day-old bread that I pop in the toaster.

Thumping from upstairs as the randy neighbors start up again, I wince. I won’t miss them when I’m in my new apartment.

And then it hits me.

I’m getting a new apartment.

I’m getting a proper salary.

Money, food, clothes.

The sensation in my chest is so foreign that I sway for a few minutes, grinning like a fool.

I don’t want to think about why Caleb Starr hired me to begin with, but he did and now me and—

I still.

I can’t leave Tracy and Max in this hellhole.

I swallow.

They’ll have to come with me.

I nod, decisively, ignoring the passing thought of whether that would be allowed.

Of course, they would come with me.

Life hadn’t always been this difficult for me. I had been happy once. For the first eight years of my life, I had been the apple of my father’s eyes, adored by my mother. Then, the accident happened that took them away.