Tracy swallows and squeaks, “Well.”

I have no words.

I have never owned anything so beautiful in my life. The fabric is soft in my hands and I glance down into the box and blink at seeing the pair of dull silver heels, wrapped in delicate paper, along with a blue velvet box which I open with trembling hands.

“The man really does think of everything.” Tracy breathes out as her eyes take in the diamond necklace and the accompanying earrings. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was courting you.”

I frown. “This is too much.”

Something hot and dark stirs inside of me. “I’m his PA, not his girlfriend.”

Tracy gives me a curious look. “What’re you gonna do?”

I struggle with myself, conflicted. “I want to return it. I don’t know what he’s doing, Tracy. What does this even mean?”

“Maybe you should ask him,” Tracy suggests.

I bite my lower lip.

“But first, eat something.” She drags me to the kitchen counter and starts taking out ingredients. “I’m going to whip you up something to eat and I want to know what happened.”

I don’t sit, my eyes following her movemen

ts in the kitchen. “I think he knows about the scars on my back.”

Tracy stiffens, before slowly turning to face me, her face blank. “How?”

“His HR Head, Lana, she saw me in the dressing room, and I think she told him.” I find myself telling her about what happened.

Tracy’s face just grows paler and paler and she rounds the counter to sit in front of me on one of the high stools. “They’re…” She takes a rough breath. “They’re my fault. You were protecting me.”

“Shut up.” I shove at her shoulder, lightly. “What happened that day was my choice. I could have walked away but I don’t regret it.” My voice is firm. “You and I wouldn’t have this bond. I wouldn’t have this family that I have now. Max survived and you survived. Long enough to get help. And I survived.”

She looks troubled and glances in the direction of Max’s room. “Your entire back is scarred because of me.”

I give her a sad smile. “Like I said, I don’t regret it, and you shouldn’t either. I just…” And now I swallow. “I just didn’t want anyone to see them.”

And now Caleb Starr probably knows, and I can’t understand why that’s eating me up inside.



When Kendall’s number had lit up on my screen, I had been pleasantly surprised.

And then her panicked voice had registered in my brain and I immediately recognized what was happening to her. Fear, protectiveness, possessiveness, fury, had all surged within me at the same time and I had been on my feet, ready to go to her, to hell with all the planning.

When she had cut the call, I had felt the first stirrings of desperation, not knowing where she was or how to get to her and it was only Lana’s call that had me gripping on to my senses.

My little spitfire of an assistant had been curled up in a corner of the dressing room, her eyes unfocused when I had barged in, ignoring Lana’s wide eyes and Elise’s gasp. Fortunately, the dressing rooms were afforded more privacy so they couldn’t see or hear me.

And now, I have to wait.

Her roommate had kicked me out when she arrived, so I’ve had to distract myself. I buy a dress for her, have everything delivered. But nothing seems to soothe the raging inside me, the raw need to see Kendall, to hold her.

I toss off my clothes and walk into the shower, but over the rushing of the water, I can still hear Kendall’s whimpers, her rough breathing, and I slam my fist into the tiled wall, ignoring the pain shooting up my arm.

The buzzing of the doorbell has me growling and I turn off the water and stepping out of the shower, I grab the towel hanging from the rack and tie it around my waist.