Max has been banished to the bathroom while Tracy has gone to change.

Kendall looks seven shades of mortified as she hands me a glass of water. “I’m so sorry for that. That was not – It wasn’t – I’m so sorry,” she ends on that note.

I purse my lips to keep from laughing.

It’s strange.

Laughter, amusement, they don’t’ come to me so often but around Kendall, they seem natural. Chaos has always been attracted to her like she’s its own personal gravity. “Your roommates are interesting,” I offer.

When Kendall gives me a considering look, I recognize it for what it is. She’s about to try to wheedle something out of me.

I can’t wait, I think with anticipation.

“I’ve raised Max along with Tracy.” She’s choosing her words with care. “I can’t abandon him once I move into my new apartment. But I can’t separate him from his mother as well. So, I was thinking that instead of taking the company apartment, I just look for a two-bedroom place on my own salary, so my family can move with me.”

I applaud her in my mind.

She’s smart, trying to manipulate me into giving her what she wants. A fissure of pleasure and pride moves through me and instead of smiling, I look grave, as if thinking about this situation. “Well, that is certainly troubling. And you won’t move without them?” I glance at her, already knowing her answer.

“I can’t. It would be cruel to Max.”

I stroke my jaw, and then sigh. “Well, then. I guess there’s only one course of action then.”

Does she really think she can manipulate me, without me taking something in return?

“My penthouse is near the office and since I own the building, I can give you the floor beneath mine. There’s a lovely four-room apartment, with a balcony.”

Got you. I smile with satisfaction, when she looks startled on hearing that she’ll be living so close to me.

Kendall looks uneasy at the prospect.

Casually, I cross my legs, watching her, going for the finishing blow. “It’s not as comfortable as your original apartment might have been but it’s comfortable enough for three people.”

She now looks a little suspicious at how accommodating I’m being.

She has every right to be.

I’m going over and above for her and she’s smart enough not to look the gift horse in the mouth.

Her lips part and then she closes them, before saying slowly, “Thank you. That’s very kind of you.”

I smile in return. “Don’t even mention it.”

Kendall will spend the next few days looking me up on the internet.



“I already pressed you, you stupid thing!” I growl at the coffee machine as it splutters and throws out a few drops in retaliation.

It’s my second day at the office and the coffee machine is the only thing I can’t seem to work out how to use.

Mr. Starr’s been in his office all day, and I’m hesitant to ask him how to get it to work.

I press the button again, vowing, “I swear to God, if you don’t give me that cup of coffee, I’ll throw you out the window!” I can already imagine the satisfaction of seeing this sack of crap break into a thousand pieces on the ground.
