“It’s just me,” Jace whispers out, his hands in the air, alarmed. He steps out of the darkness.

“Where are the police?” I hiss.

“They’re on their way. Kendall?”

I gesture towards the room with my chin. “I need a good vantage point. Can’t go in blind.”

“There’s two of us.” Jace looks disgruntled, his usually slicked hair, windblown and scattered over his face, framing his brows.

“We can’t risk Kendall being used as a hostage,” I bite out. “Now, I have the weapon. You find something to fight with and see how many people are inside.”

Jace doesn’t agree with me but he obeys me nonetheless, picking up a wooden plank as he hurries towards the staircase. I circle the walls and find a bit of broken plaster in it and this gives me a view of part of the room.

I can see a thick male jean clad thigh and my fingers itch to put a bullet in it.

I can’t see Kendall though, although I can’t hear the conversation quite clearly.

A resounding slap, a whimper, and a loud demand, “Where the fuck is she?”

“Go to hell, Gerald!” I hear Kendall’s voice.

I can hear the thick fear coating it.

The second man, Arthur, spits out, “Let me have a go at her. I promise she’ll be screaming out details before I’m done.”

I’m going to rip his throat out.

Gerald says something which is lost because my attention is grabbed by Jace who is gesturing towards me from above. He makes a sign of two and waves towards his plank. As he does this, the piece of wood slips from his fingers and takes the thirty-foot plunge to the cement ground.

I watch in horror.

The sound echoes and is magnified, making the two men inside shout out.

“What the fuck is that?!” The idiots are out the door, leaving Kendall unattended.

Without a second thought, I rush inside.

Kendall looks up at me from where she’s struggling with her bonds. “C-Caleb?!” The shock and disbelief in her voice are obvious.

Now, I see the shimmer of tears in her eyes.

“You came for me?” There are bruises on her face and her shirt is torn.

I’m moving towards her, my body on automatic. “I told you: no matter where you go, I will always find you.” My hands are untying her knots, clumsy as they are.

She chokes out, “I didn’t take it seriously.”

I’m seconds away from freeing her, acutely aware that we’re running out of time. “Well, now you do.”

“Look out!” she cries out then and I dodge out of the way as something heavy smashes on the ground.

My gun is raised and pointed towards Arthur.

He gives me a murderous look. “You? How the hell did you get in here?” He raises a metal club he has in his hands.

I don’t even bother responding, I just aim, taking the shot.

The bullet pierces his knee and he howls out in pain, crumpling onto the floor.