“No.” She shakes her head, soberly. “You’re a workaholic and you’ve lost your libido which is why you won’t do me right now and you’re making excuses.”

I start smiling now, very entertained. “Is that so?”


She sounds so serious that my lips start twitching and I’m struggling not to laugh. “That’s very insightful. I’ll be sure to remind you of that in the morning.” I help her stand and guide her towards the bedroom to give her something to change into and put her in bed.

“Where are we going?” she asks cheerfully. “Are we going to look for your sex drive?”

I’m smirking, broadly. “Oh, Kendall. Tomorrow is going to be so much fun.”

For the next three days, Kendall refuses to look me in the eye because every time she does, I pleasantly ask her if she could help me find my libido.

I’m in the middle of a meeting with Lucas which is bordering on boring when she barges in, face flushed. “That’s it!” She snarls to my delight as she ignores the stunned lawyer and rounds the desk to drill a finger in my chest in response to the text message I’d just sent. “You find your own goddamn libido, you sadistic piece of shit! And get your own fucking coffee while you’re at it. I’m taking a late lunch.”

I open my mouth.

She narrows her eyes into little slits and her tone is dangerous. “Don’t you dare say it.”

I snap my mouth closed.

Kendall marches out, slamming the door close behind her.

Lucas gapes after her in the resulting silence that follows.

I fix my shirt, rueful that our little game has ended.

“What – What was that?” He stares at me.

I shrug. “Nothing important. You were saying?”

“What the hell, Caleb?”

I think of the package lying in my desk drawer and I smirk to myself. “It’s nothing important. I might have upset her a little bit.”

“A little bit?” He looks stunned.

When he leaves, I know Lana and Oliver will hear about this in the next few minutes and I roll my eyes. I see Lana coming into the office a while later when Kendall returns and there is a hushed discussion.

When she comes in to give me a report, the Head of Department of Human Resources shakes her head at me. “Perv.” Lana has started getting along with Kendall and has actually grown to like her.

My relationship with Kendall isn’t a secret. Lucas knows and that means both Lana and Oliver know. I ignore Lana’s questions when she tries to probe me for details while her husband couldn’t give a shit, just chiming in every now and then with some snide remark pisses me off.

It’s later that day when I’m sure that Kendall has sufficiently calmed down that I call her into my office. We’re working late today, and the office has nearly cleared out.

“What?” she asks, suspiciously, her eyes taking in my relatively calm face.

“Come here.” I tap the edge of the desk.

She obeys, albeit reluctantly.

“You were rude this afternoon, bursting in during a meeting,” I tell her.

Her face flushes. “It’s your own fault, with what you—”

“Still not very professional of you.” My tone is reprimanding.

Her face falls a little. “I wasn’t trying to—”