And yet, there are times when her expression is unguarded and I see the darkness flitting behind her eyes, matching my own, hungry and wanting.

As I watch her holding Max’s hand, I know how we look like to the outside world, and as greedy as I am, I want them to think that. I want them to think that we’re a family. One day, we will be.

It’ll be our child whose hand she will be holding, my ring on her finger, eyes dancing with laughter rather than wariness and hope as she meets my eyes.

That dream is so near that I can nearly touch it and yet… it’s so far away that it is driving me insane.

My heart thumping in my chest, my expression not revealing any of my inner turmoil, I tuck my hands in my pockets and ask with a smirk on my lips, “So, lingerie?”

Kendall’s cheeks turn red. “No. Uh, I was thinking a walk and taking Max to the park.”

There is a park nearby and we sit on the bench as Max goes to play on the swings. We sit in silence for a few moments before I say, “Would you like to go out with me tonight?”

Kendall stills before looking towards me. “On a date?”

“Yes. The first thing we’ve done since coming back, is fight. I don’t want that. So, would you like to go on a date with me?” I study her face for any giveaways.

She chews on her lower lip, something which always fascinates me.

“Where are you taking me?” she asks.

“There’s a French restaurant that I thought you might like. They have this small band there and a dance floor. I thought you might like it.”

She blinks. “But I can’t dance.”

I feel amused. “It’s not that hard. Just don’t step on my feet and you’re good. Plus, I’ll lead.”

“I’ve never tried French food before,” she muses thoughtfully.

“You’ll love it,” I promise, earnestly.

“And after that?” She studies me.

I wonder how she’ll respond if I tell her that afterward, I’ll take her to my place, push her up against the door and fuck her until she forgets her own name. “We’ll see how the evening plays out,” I say instead with a half-smile.

She looks reluctant and tugs on my sleeve. “You’re plotting something.”

“Am not,” I respond, keeping my face bland.

She leans forward until our faces our inches apart. “You can hide it all you want but it’s in your eyes. You’re a manipulative ass.”

I smile broadly then. “Language, babe.”

She grins. “Language, my ass. I’ll probably end up enjoying your plans anyways.”

I tangle my fingers with hers and bring our hands to my lips to press a kiss against her knuckles. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

The night doesn’t go according to what I had hoped.

Kendall loved the restaurant. I even managed to coax her into a slow dance with me. But apparently, the love of my life is a lightweight.

She’s giggling right now as I open the door to my apartment and usher her in.

Locking the door behind me, I study her as she moves towards the large couch and throws herself on it. “I missed you.”

“Should I feel jealous of the couch?” I ask, lightly, putting on some coffee to help her sober up.

“Not the couch, stupid. You. I missed you.” Her laughter has faded and she’s now lying on the couch, her legs dangling from the arm as she swings them back and forth. “You’re more annoying than you used to be, though.”