“Not yet,” she counters.

Now, I see the spine of steel that’s slowly been emerging in her over the past few months.

“Date me properly and let me get to know you first. Again.”

I blink at this, not having considered it. “You want me to court you?”

“In a way.” She blushes then. “I’ve never dated before and I always wanted to know what it’s like. With flowers and stuff.”

It’s such an innocent demand that I want to reach over and kiss her, but I restrain myself. “That doesn’t sound too bad.” I‘m actually enjoying the idea of it. “Maybe we could go today on a date? How do you feel about a trip to D

isneyland? Amusement parks count as dates, right?”

I see the excitement in her eyes even as she tries to hide it and I can’t help but smile.

Pleasing her is so easy.

When she says in a casual manner, “It sounds all right,” I chuckle.

“Go get dressed into something casual.”

I watch her bounce towards the wardrobe, and I hope that she maintains this childlike enthusiasm forever. It’s appealing in a way as is the way she sobers up and becomes all businesslike.

Every version that I’ve seen of her, has made me fall even more in love with her and I wonder if that’s how it’s going to be for the rest of our lives.

The visit isn’t long, but we get in a few hours of exploring and Kendall talks me into trying out a few rides with her.

I should have known she would like the most dangerous looking rides.

By the time we leave, her cheeks are flushed, and she’s tucked under my arm, talking a mile and a half excitedly.

This is my first time seeing her like this with me, laughing and smiling so openly.

The thought hits me like a boulder and I nearly stagger under the weight of the revelation.

“What is it?” she asks me as we stand at the entrance of the park.

I feel something unwind in my chest as I cup her face in my hands and kiss her slowly, tenderly, wishing she could feel all these hot, jumbled up emotions battling inside of me.

Fear of losing her. Warmth at the very sight of her. Possessiveness. This desire to protect her, to hide her from the cruelties the world has to offer.

She’s seen the scars on me. They’re vicious but less so than hers. Mine have healed over with time but hers haven’t.

She smiles into the kiss and when I pull away, she leans into me, dazed. “You’re too good at this. My brain fizzles out every time you kiss me.”

I’m sure she never intended to tell me this and I look smug at this tidbit of information. “Maybe I should kiss you every time we have an argument.”

“Mhm.” She makes a sound of agreement and wraps her arms around my neck to pull me into another kiss, to my utter delight.

It’s only when a few people near us clear their throats that she pulls away, her cheeks flushed pink. “Let’s get some hot chocolate. I saw a stand nearby as we pulled in.”

It’s pretty cold and even I start to feel the cold seep in through the neck of my jacket.

I knew I should have grabbed the other jacket. I hadn’t anticipated LA being this cold.

Unexpectedly, I feel something warm touching my skin and I still only to see Kendall wrapping her scarf around my neck. “I don’t—”

“Shut up,” she says pleasantly. “If your ears turned any bluer, you’d resemble Jack Frost.”