Considering that he’s outsourced some of the work to our company, and I’ve been dealing with him as a liaison occasionally, I’m more than capable of keeping up with what he’s saying.

What that results in ultimately, is a small group gathering around us and the conversation topics range. For some reason, I’m at the center of it. I can feel eyes on me, and Caleb stands next to me, his touch possessive.

I catch him coldly staring down some of the men whose eyes have lingered for too long on me.

Why am I enjoying this?

Because I’ve never had anyone make me feel so important to them, and a part of me is wary that this will only last till I give into whatever Caleb wants.

A buzzing in my small clutch distracts me from my thoughts. I hastily reach for it, ignoring the way one of the men standing around accidentally brushes against me.

A thrumming growl has me looking up from my attempts to look for my phone to see Caleb scowling at the man who has dared to touch me.

The man is staring back at him, an arrogant tilt to this chin.

As much as it might thrill me, I also know this could escalate very quickly and I have no desire to be in the middle of this pissing contest. I quickly dig out my phone and blink at the flashing text message. “I, uh, I have to take this, sorry.” I dart away from the group, puzzled by the almost disappointed looks they shoot me. Were they that interested in what I was saying?

I meet Caleb’s eyes and he nods.

I hurry towards the balcony, which is, coincidently, empty.

The message is from Jane Starling and I quickly read through the annoyance in the words she’s written. She wants to send the article to her publisher tonight and she needs me to approve it, so she forwards it.

I lean against the railing and look around the balcony, which has been lit up in a subtle manner, with soft lights and flowers paced strategically, to create an almost romantic environment. With the soft music creeping in through the ajar doors, the only thing missing are glowing fireflies to make this scene completely magical. From here, I can even see the sprawling gardens and I give the couple strolling through them an envious look before getting back to work.

I’m about to open the email when I hear footsteps and I glance up to see Caleb approaching me.

“Is everything okay?”

I nod. “Just some work stuff. Jane sent me the article to review. She needs to get it out tonight.”

Caleb tucks his hands in his pockets, cutting a magnificent figure against the backdrop, but frowning. “You shouldn’t be working. Come on, I’ll teach you how to dance.”

Face to face with him, his chest brushing against mine, such close proximity.

I meet his eyes, saying slowly, “I don’t think that’d be such a good idea.”

His eyes darken but he gives me a strange half smile before saying, “All right, then. How about I go get some drinks for us and we can read what Miss Starling has written about me?”

I nod, wary at the way he so easily backed out.

Then, I realize just where I am, and I think… Well, shit. He’ll have me on the empty balcony that’s already set up like somebody’s wet dream of romance.

The smile on his face broadens slyly as he notes the realization in my eyes, before murmuring, “I’ll be back.” He turns around.

I see something slip from his pocket. I call out to him, but he’s already disappeared among the dancers. I open the email and letting it load, I go up to pick the small round like object.

Picking it up, I look at it and my senses reel as I recognize the stone.

How could I not?

I’d spend days polishing it.

My knees go weak as everything that has been jumbled in my mind starts untangling. Things that shouldn’t make sense are coming together, forcing themselves at the forefront of my mind, making me look at them with sudden vivid clarity.


I don’t know how I make it to the bench but I’m sitting down now, my breathing harsh, as I try to come to terms with the truth. My hand flexes on the open phone and unwittingly I turn to look at it, and the first line in the document she’s sent me reads, ‘Once known as Harry Turner, Caleb Starr not only changed his name but his whole destiny along with it.’