The sound makes something release inside of me and I grin reluctantly. “This isn’t going to be easy.”

The car rolls to a stop and I can see the camera lights flashing outside, the shimmer of the thousand colors that mark the entrance, spectacularly, but all my eyes can see is Caleb’s silhouette in them, the way his eyes are gleaming as he holds out his hand.


“You just have to stay by my side, and you’ll have nothing to fear.”

Most people would have said ‘you’ll have nothing to worry about’.

Odd man.

But my hand is in his now, and he looks satisfied.

The door is opening and he’s helping me out and then I’m being blinded by the cameras.

An hour into the ball, I’m dazzled by it all.

Caleb is mingling with people and I’m by his side, trying to fade into the background but he’s determined not to let me.

Deliberately, it seems when he gives me a mocking look when I try to sidle away and tightens his hand on my waist.

Asshole, I think lightly.

Now that we’re inside, curiosity is getting the better of me and I want to go exploring. The estate is huge and the gardens outside even more so.

“Miss West!” I hear a booming voice which is familiar enough to make me look over my shoulder to see a portly man hurtling towards me at such speed that for a heartbeat, I fear he’s going to crash right into me.

However, he stops in record time, beaming at me as if Christmas has come early. “You look ravishing, Miss—Can I call you Kendall?”

I don’t know why I glance at Caleb before forcing a smile on my face. “Of course.”

Thomas Wranger claps his hands.

He actually claps his hands.

I’m too busy marveling over that to listen to what he’s saying until the words ‘dance’ and ‘honored’ reach my ears.

I blink stupidly. “I’m sorry?”

“A dance. I would be honored if you would dance with me.” Thomas gives me an almost anxious look.

He’s my height and his round figure makes him appear more jolly than handsome, and yet, his features aren’t bad. There’s a childlike quality to him and yet, I know that under this appearance he hides a razor-sharp brain, capable of detecting finance trends like nobody’s business.

“I…?” I’m uncomfortable. “I’ve never…”

Caleb’s hand circles my waist in a manner that is so proprietary that it makes me flush fiercely, the message not lost on the people surrounding us, and he tugs me towards him until one of my hands is splayed on his chest, maybe in an attempt to push him away, I don’t know.

“Kendall has promised all her dances to me, tonight, Thomas. I’m really not inclined to share her.”

One of the women he’d been talking to makes a small sound and I wonder if she’s choking.

Although Caleb is lying through his teeth, I can’t help but be grateful for the rescue.

Thomas’s shoulders droop and then his eyes widen as he glances between us. “Wait, are you two…?”

I open my mouth to brush away any misconception he has but before I can utter a word, Caleb says smoothly, “How’s your new startup working out? I’ve been hearing good things.”

That seems like a good way to distract him because Thomas puffs his chest out and starts talking enthusiastically about one of his pet projects on the side.