Kendall is wary around me once we reach the hotel room and it is only when I assure her that I have some work to do and that she can sleep first, that she climbs into bed.

The day has been so long that she falls asleep almost instantly.

When I know there is no fear of being caught, I watch her for a while, lost in thought.

I go to bed a while later, careful of lying on my own side of the bed. But Ke

ndall gravitates towards my warmth in her sleep and this time, I watch her as she settles herself in my arms as if instinct is guiding her. But she’s fast asleep.

I stroke her hair and press my lips against her forehead, lovingly, murmuring, “I absolutely adore you, my little spitfire.”

When she shifts in her sleep, I leave her be, and reach out to turn off the lamp, wrapping my arms around her, enjoying the feel of her body against mine. My cock stirs but I ignore it in favor of simply holding Kendall who keeps seeking me out in her sleep.

As I fall asleep, I think I hear her murmur my name in her dreams.

“You could have gone to a salon,” I say loudly from outside the bathroom.

I hear a clutter inside and soft cursing, before Kendall complains, “Stop talking! You’re distracting me.”

I tuck my hands in the pants of my tuxedo, impatient to see her.

But it seems that while I may have tons of patience and the ability to outwait any potential opponent when it comes to the rest of the world, none of it holds in front of this woman, and I find myself asking again, “Do you need some help?”

“I swear to God, Caleb, if you don’t shut up…”

The threat in her voice is menacing and my eyes widen at her tone. She must be really angry if she’s telling her boss to shut up.

Sufficiently chastised, I go sit on the bed, my eyes on the bathroom door, willing Kendall to walk out in three, two, one – I sigh.

Resting my forearms against my thighs, I wonder whether Oliver will come. He had been issued an invitation but since he’s been settling some affairs back in London, I really don’t know whether he’ll make it back in time. He had been quite irritated at the possibility of missing out on showing his wife off.

I’m about to reach for my phone to text him when I hear the click of the bathroom lock and I automatically look up.

My mouth becomes dry as I take in the vision of loveliness before me. My heart is beating loudly as I rake my eyes over the way the dress falls over the elegant line of her shoulders, revealing a modest of cleavage. Her full breasts are highlighted with the flirty v-shaped neckline, as the dress hugs her dainty waist and her slim hips, the hem barely kissing the floor.

Kendall has done something to her hair. It’s an elegant knot with some strands deliberately escaping to frame her face. Her makeup is so simple that it makes her stand out even more. She’s done something to make her eyes even darker which makes the light hazel look even more enchanting and her lips are fuller, but with some pale lipstick.

My fingers reach for the stone I carry with me everywhere, a reminder of her, her presence on my person all the time.

“Well?” She looks anxious, her silver heels tapping on the floor, impatiently. “Does it pass for the fancy looks women usually wear?”

I stand up and prowl around her, dark possessiveness in my eyes as I purr, “Everybody will pale in comparison to you tonight!”

She clears her throat, suddenly nervous. “That’s not what I was asking, but okay thanks.”

“Where’s your jewelry?” I ask, resisting the urge to mark her as mine, to leave my brand on her skin my eyes focusing on her.

“I…?” There’s something in her eyes as she watches me circle around her. “I – they’re in the box. They’re in the box.”

I reach out and touch one carefully placed strand of hair. I curl it around my finger, my eyes fixed on her darkening ones, as I suggest softly, “Maybe you should go wear it.”

She swallows but makes no move to leave.

I tug on her curl and she automatically steps forward to stop me from ruining it and then we’re chest to chest. I release the piece of hair I’ve captured in favor of running my finger down the side of her face, memorizing her features. “Of all the memories we share, this particular moment I’ll never forget.”

It’s an odd thing to say but something shifts behind her eyes, something soft and uncertain, something dark and demanding, something she’s trying to suppress.

Her breath is on my face, warm, and I want to lean down and capture her lips. I want to rip this dress off her, bend her over, and fuck her until the only word she can remember is my name. I want to ruin her, strip her of everything and use my body to brand her as mine until my touch is all she knows.