She’s been surprisingly relaxed and since I want her to remain in that mood, I end up saying, “We can try it your way today.”

When she ducks her face behind her hair and grins, I wonder if I’ve just been led by the nose into doing what she wants.

We spend the whole day glued to each other and I see a side of Kendall that I’ve never seen before. There’s awe in her eyes, barely concealed excitement and she often ends up clutching at me to point something out.

The tourist guidebook in her hand looks worn out by the afternoon and when we stop for lunch, I take her to a famous restaurant that I had looked up.

A shift comes over her when she realizes where we’re going, and she looks uncomfortable.

When she glances down at her clothes, I blink. “What’s wrong?”

She looks uneasy. “I’m not exactly dressed for a five-star restaurant.”

“You look wonderful,” I say lightly.

She pointedly turns to look out the window.

A sound from her phone has her looking down at it and she grins.

“What is it?”

“Jace texted me a whole story about some accounting thing that makes no sense.” She snickers. “He has the most awful stories to tell.”

Something darkly possessive rears its head in me and my voice is stiff. “I didn’t know you were friends with Jace.”

Kendall is busy formulating a reply to the text. “We go out for lunch sometimes.”

“I see.”

She looks up at my tone and watches with me with a laser focus. “What?”

I open my mouth to tell her not to be too friendly with a guy that’s not me, to say something to brand her, but instead the words that come out of my mouth are, “I’m glad you’ve made a friend.”

I can tell from her eyes that she doesn’t quite believe me, but she lets it go.

But I don’t.

In my gut, there’s this churning, ticking of a clock, telling me that someone out there could see her for all she has to offer and take her. So, if I want her to tie her to me, it has to be quick.

While lunch is a fascinating experience with Kendall never having eaten Lobster before and watching her try to figure it out as very entertaining, Jace has taken up a place in the back of my mind.

He’s clearly interested in her.

And Kendall can’t see it yet.

Despite his words to me, he is pursuing her.

I have half a mind to transfer him to one of my companies in the UK. Dark satisfaction accompanies those thoughts before I realize that it would upset Kendall to lose a friend when she has so few to begin with.

It’s her happiness which is a priority for me, and I sulk to myself at this new thorn in my side.

“What’s wrong with you?” Kendall asks me a few hours later, as we explore the Museum of Art. “You look like you’re plotting someone’s demise.”

I glance down at her. “Maybe I am.”

She narrows her eyes at me. “You’ve been like this ever since I told you about Jace.”

Sharp little thing.