The lawyer splutters, “J-Jesus, man. Fuck. I wasn’t going to do it!”

Kendall stares at him. “Come on. I know some first aid. I’ll take a look at your eye.” She gives me a strange look. “I think you have somewhere to be.”

Lucas throws me a disbelieving look over his shoulder before trailing after Kendall.

I stare at the two of them, my blood churning inside of me.

Why is everything falling apart? I feel frustrated, my hand reaches into my pocket to feel the stone there.



“You’ll be fine,” I mutter when I watch Lucas check his eye for the tenth time.

‘Stay away from my woman!’

The words are revolving in my head, beating against my skull.

Lucas’ words had clearly been a taunt. The man was desperately in love with Elise, the chirpy little receptionist. But Caleb’s reaction had me numb.

The dark possessiveness in his voice, the way he had lost all his composure.

And yet, he had brought a woman to his office, letting her touch him, clearly indicating that they were lovers.

Confusion arises in me and I shake my head.

“Think I’d look good in an eye patch?” Lucas glances my way.

“Sure, if it were the sixteen-hundreds. Calm down. I’ve had worse black eyes than that,” I tell him lightly.

He turns around, his eyes sharp. “What?”

“As a kid,” I say exasperatedly. “I used to get beat up in the home all the time.”

“You grew up in an orphanage?” Lucas looks curious.

“My parents died in a car accident.” I shrug. “My relatives didn’t want me so, yeah.”

“Bummer.” Lucas looks thoughtful. “Guess you have more in common with Caleb after all.”

His words spark something in me. “Mr. Starr grew up in an orphanage?”

Lucas looks surprised and wary. “You didn’t know? I thought you did?”

I narrow my eyes at him. “We don’t exactly spend time talking about our pasts.”

Lucas tugs at him tie, uneasy. “Well, it’s not my story to tell. He’ll tell you when he’s ready.”

There’s something off about this. Something that he knows, and I have a feeling it has something to do with me. “Lucas, why did Mr. Starr hire me?” I ask slowly. “There were much better candidates than me.”

Lucas shifts in his seat. “How would I know?”

“I think you do.”

“Look, Caleb’s an eccentric guy. Who knows why he does what he does?”

I purse my lips but drop the topic. “Fine. You should go. I’m going to leave in another hour, and I have work to finish. Go put something cold on that eye.”