Caleb grabs my wrists, lowering my arms, forcing me to open my eyes and face him. The proximity to him makes me swallow again. Why is he so damn attractive?

“You’re moving. You’ve got nothing to fear,” he tells me.

I shake my head. “You don’t know Arthur and you don’t know his friends. He’ll track me down to make me pay for this insult. He knows where Tracy works and where Max goes to school. If he can’t get to me, he’ll get to them.” A part of me is terrified. “You should’ve stayed out of it,” I moan now. “I knew what I was doing.”

Caleb’s face twists in sharp anger. “You wanted me to let him hit you?”

I shake his hands off of me, suddenly frustrated, and I growl, “Yes! He would have roughed me up and then walked away.” I slam the door closed on Arthur’s form and start pacing, tossing him narrow-eyed looks which are tinged with fear as the implications of what my boss has done, grows on me. “You know nothing of how—”

“He’s done this before? ‘Roughed you up?’”

This time when Caleb approaches me, I stiffen at the naked fury in his eyes, I raise my hands, palms facing him, to ensure he maintains his distance.

“You don’t know what life’s like here. You can live in your fancy mansions and dine with the rich and mingle with society’s finest, but I have people to protect. Max is a baby.” I lower my arms, clenching my fists. “I shouldn’t have mouthed off to him. I should’ve just—”

“He called you a whore.” Caleb looks ready to go back and finish the job, his jaw tight.

I try to act casual. “Yes, well. Arthur isn’t exactly known to be respectful to women.” I rub the pads of my fingers around my temple, stemming off the headache. “I need to call Tracy and tell her to hurry up. We need to be gone before he wakes up.”

Caleb doesn’t say anything as he watches me leave the room and the way his amber eyes follow me, I have to remind myself that he’s not Harry.

Harry is never coming back.

I’ve only seen the apartment a handful of times, but it wasn’t furnished then.

The one thing I adore about this place is the heating system.

“So…” Tracy looks at me as she opens another box of clothes. “Your hot boss looked pretty sad.”

“I think you mean broody,” I correct her. “Caleb is always broody.”

“His friend is pretty cute,” Tracy comments, casually.

I lift my head, as if sniffing something. “Duke’s a pain in the ass.”

“He calls you little lady. It’s cute.” Tracy walks over to hang up some clothes. “And he’s easy on the eyes.”

“Have you gone blind?” I stare at her, concerned. “He looks like a watered-down version of the Hulk.”

“I know,” Tracy says, dreamily. “I can just imagine him taking me on the—”

“La la la la, I’m not listening to this.” I walk out of the room, my hands on my ears.

There’s a strange buzzing sound and Tracy’s laughter dies, and we share a look. “What’s that?”

“The bell, maybe?” I say hesitantly.

“Then, go answer the door,” Tracy suggests helpfully.

It’s Caleb, and he’s holding a box of pizza in his hands. “I thought you ladies might need some refreshments. First night here and all.”

“Do you come with the pizza?” I ask bluntly.

When Caleb arches a brow, I realize what I’ve just said.

“That can be arranged,” he says smoothly.

My cheeks flush with heat. “That’s not what I meant,” I hiss out.