“What?” I blink at the implication. “No, that’s not—”
“That’s what it sounds like.” He stares at me. “The only way she won’t leave once she finds out you’ve manipulated her, is if she’s head over heels for you. Otherwise, if she’s as unpredictable as you say, she might just get up and go.”
“She won’t leave such a well-paying job,” I say with confidence.
e little lady’s smart,” Duke points out. “And from what you said, she’s got a head for business. She could easily find a job elsewhere, especially since she’s already worked under you.”
“For a month.” I wave off his concerns and yet, his words have me thinking. The idea of Kendall falling in love with me isn’t unappealing. At least that way, all the men sniffing around her will cease. I scowl.
I don’t realize that I’ve spoken my thoughts aloud till Duke snickers. “Jealous much?”
“I’m not jealous,” I snarl. “Just concerned.”
“Sure.” He shrugs his shoulders, still grinning. “‘Concerned’. You could always take her to the charity gala next week as your date. You know.” He sneers, “To protect her from any male that takes an interest in her because you’re so concerned.”
“Get out.” I narrow my eyes at him.
He’s roaring with laughter as he leaves.
The next morning, I’ve given Kendall the day off, but I sent Duke with some documents for her with the intention to stay and help her get all the stuff moved.
The figure from the night before has me a little wary and I can’t get it out of my head as the man had looked up so meaningfully at Kendall’s window.
So, in the evening, under the pretense of getting some information from her about the documents that Duke had delivered in the morning, I go to her house, although she insists on the phone that she can come to me.
“I told you not to come,” she says exasperated, her hair up in a messy bun, smudges of dirt on her cheek. She’s sitting on top of a cardboard box, clearly tired.
Standing in my pristine suit, I tuck my hands in my pockets and look around. “Where’s Duke?”
Kendall wipes her grimy hands on her jeans and goes looking for the files I’ve come for. “He’s gone with the movers to drop our things.”
I take a quick survey of the apartment, noting how bare it is, feeling waspish. “And he left you here, alone?”
Kendall throws me a distracted look from over her shoulder. “Well, no. Max is here somewhere.”
My eyes lower down her body and linger on the way the pair of faded jeans are hugging her hips. They would fit so perfectly in my hands. Startled by the thought, my shoulders tense and I stare fixedly at a point in the wall.
“You okay?” Kendall gives me an odd look, as she hands over the papers to me.
I clear my throat. “Yes. Did you—?”
My question cut short when a delighted voice cries out, “Kendall, Kendall. Look at me!"
Max is standing in the doorway, with something that looks like underwear on his face and a red bra on his head, the straps of which are tied under his chin. He has a bedsheet tied around his neck. “I’m a superhero!”
Kendall makes a small sound almost like she’s choking. “That’s my bra! What are you doing?!”
She makes a grab for him, but he dances just out of reach, grinning. “Hi, Caleb!”
“Hi.” I bite my tongue not to laugh at the mortified look on Kendall’s face as she’s scrambling over furniture to get to the five-year-old, who thinks it’s some sort of game.
When she tackles him in mid-air, she swiftly turns around, falling on her back on the floor with a loud thud that has me stiffening, the boy cushioned in her arms.
I’m vaulting over the couch, fear a bitter taste in my mouth. “Are you…?”
Kendall snatches the red bra from on top of Max’s head, growling, “What is wrong with you?”