When Kendall just blinks, I say smoothly, not seeing why I shouldn’t take advantage of this situation, “My schedule is clear for this afternoon. Why don’t I take you to some of the clothing stores? It’ll save you the time and effort and I can update you on what we do here.”

Was it inappropriate behavior as her boss?


Did I give a rat’s ass?

Absolutely not.

My words do however, break Kendall from whatever trance she is in, and she shifts in her seat, as if suddenly realizing where she is.

“I…” She looks around and the shocks sink in.

Then I feel a hint of pride as she immediately takes control of the situation, as if she’s done it a hundred times.

“Clothing stores? I can go to myself. I don’t want to put you out—”

I wave off her protest. “Don’t worry about it. It will save me time from spending hours briefing you on the company. Besides, there are events that have very specific dress codes and I was planning to send Duke with you anyway, to help out.”

Slowly, Kendall has been gathering herself, enough that she blinks at the driver in the front seat who nods to her. “You were going to send your chauffeur to help me shop for clothes?” She is unable to hide the insult in her voice.

I hide my amusement. “Well, Duke is well-versed in these sort of things?”

“In ladies clothing?” Kendall asks, doubtfully, now studying the man with a considering gleam.

“I don’t dress in women’s clothes, Miss West,” Duke says stiffly, realizing where her mind is wandering off to.

“No, no.” Kendall blinks. “Ah, of course not.” But she sounds completely unconvinced.

Before I can correct her, however, we arrive at the restaurant and Duke gives me a dirty look as he parks the car.

The inside of the restaurant is as stunning as its exterior and the maître d guides us to a prepared table, ushering a server over.

Kendall seems completely out of her element as she goes through the menu, her eyes growing wider and wider. When she settles for a dish she can’t even pronounce, I change her order to crispy duck with pasta and ravioli.

She seems a bit annoyed by my highhandedness but hides it well.

Not for long.

I plan on making sure she comes out of whatever shell she’s hiding in. The girl I left behind was hot-headed, temperamental, and impulsive. She wasn’t this meek little thing sitting across from me.

“You don’t have to come with me shopping,” she says again, insistently. “It’s hardly…” She searches for the right word but comes up empty-handed.

“Commonplace?” I suggest lightly.

She nods.

I take a sip of the wine before me, my eyes on her. “You’ll have to get accustomed to it. I’m a demanding boss.”

She’s tugging at a strand of hair that keeps escaping her braid.

I have the urge to curl it around my finger. However, I check myself.

The whole purpose of this arrangement is to provide Kendall with the life that I had promised her as a youth, not to seduce her. Although, I watch the way her brow furrows as she fights a losing battle with that innocent strand, seducing her into my bed and my life doesn’t seem to be such a bad idea.

“This card that you gave me, what exactly am I supposed to use it for? M-Miss Hill said something about monthly expenditure reports…” Kendall’s tone falters over Lana’s name.

Now, I wonder if the stubborn HR head had something to do with the panic attack I had rescued Kendall from.