The police and the paramedics arrive at the same time.

Matt is carted away. As Fred is tended to, I sit by his side, holding his hand. We both know that forgiveness isn’t going to be an easy journey, but we will get there. I ride with him to the hospital. It’s midnight by the time Oliver and I finally get home.

At some point, Oliver brought in the groceries before coming to the hospital. They’re on the counter, unattended. Although I’m tired, I move to put them away only to be stopped by Oliver.

“What’s bothering you?”

“Nothing.” I purse my lips.


guides me to the couch, then drags me into his lap. “Something’s been bothering you for days. I want to hear it.”

It’s been too hectic of a day for me to get into this, so I snap, “Well, maybe I don’t want to talk about it!”

He keeps holding me so I can’t get up. His tone is calm as well as exceedingly arrogant. “Well, good thing I didn’t ask your permission. Tell me.”

I’m getting more and more agitated. “Look, things are great between us. Why are you trying to ruin it?”

“I don’t believe that is what I am trying to do.”

I glare. “Go ahead. Make your jokes. I hope you’re laughing when you’re all the way back in London while I’m stuck here.”

He blinks, clearly confused. “Why am I going to London?”

My lower lip trembles, but I firm it. “Well, aren’t you, once your job is over?”

He raises a brow. “No.”

The casual denial makes me blink. “What?” I raise my head, dumbstruck. “What do you mean?”

Oliver shrugs. “I don’t want to go back to London. You aren’t going to be there. So, when Caleb offered to keep me on as a consultant, I said yes.”

My heart is drumming so loudly in my chest I fear he can hear it. “You’re not going back?”

Oliver flashes me a smile before pressing his lips to my forehead. “How can I when my heart is in D.C.?”

I furiously brush away the tears forming in my eyes. “Oh… Oh.”

I reach for him, then cling to him. I’ve suddenly learned how to breathe again. If he feels his shirt getting wet, he doesn’t say anything.

“You won’t leave,” I say loudly, more for my own benefit than his.

Oliver’s mouth is on any exposed skin he can reach. “Not if I can help it. And I if I do, you’re coming with me, contract or no contract.”

I ignore his words, the contentment flowing through me. If he stays, there is hope. I can stick it out if Oliver is by my side. The sigh that leaves my lips is one of relief. “Oh, thank God.” I lean my forehead against his. “I was so scared of losing you. I’ve never been in love—”

At his stunned look, I suddenly realize what I’ve said. Suddenly, he crowds me into the sofa, demanding, “Say that again.”

My mouth opens, but nothing comes out.

“Lana, do you love me?” he asks. Hearing the yearning in his voice, I bite my lip.

“I didn’t want to tell you right now,” I admit.

“But you do?” he asks.

I press my lips to his, breathing, “Yes.”