I wrap my arm around her. She leans against me without protest, eating her snack. As we return after our little rendezvous, we’re crossing the street when I feel someone watching us. I turn my head to the right, but I don’t see anyone.

That doesn’t stop me from protectively stepping closer to Lana, unease lingering in my heart.



Caleb does not look happy. Lucas even less so.

“Are you sure about this, Lana?”

I nod.

Lucas is frowning. “Think it over. This isn’t like you.”

I’m not surprised they’re trying to fight my decision. “Look, I’ve done all I can for this company. I want to start over now.”

Caleb raises a brow. “‘Now’ being when Oliver’s contract is over.”

I don’t flinch under his gaze, saying coolly, “Not that it’s any of your business, but yes.”

“You’re such a pain, Lana.” When he scowls, I glare.

“I’m here as long as you need me, but I refuse to put in notice.”

“Do you want a promotion? Is that it?” Caleb straightens.

I narrow my eyes in annoyance. “Don’t insult my intelligence. I know you know.”

He gives me an unpleasant look. “Yeah. Your little boyfriend called asking for relationship advice.”

Offended, I say, “First of all, he’s not little.”

Lucas chokes at my double meaning, but I ignore him. “And second, you’re hardly the relationship guru.”

“Ouch.” Caleb doesn’t appear insulted. Sighing, he stares down at the paper in front of him. “I’ll think about it.”

“This isn’t a request, Caleb. I’m telling you.”

“Pain in the ass,” Caleb says loudly, and I give him a dark look. “I can write you up for that.”

He rolls his eyes. “Fine. I’ll consider it.”

Lucas mournfully says, “The foreign kid is breaking up the gang. I never liked him to begin with.”

“You keep trying to get him to have drinks with us.” Caleb is mastering the art of rolling his eyes. Twice in one day.

“There is no gang.” I reach for my coffee. “And stop being dramatic.”

“How’s the new apartment?” Caleb finally asks, and I give a small smile.

“I love it. You guys should come over for dinner someday. I’ll cook.”

Lucas stares. “We don’t like your new boyfriend, so you’re going to punish us? Geez.”

Caleb makes a sound of agreement. “Hostile much?”

“Assholes,” I mutter under my breath. “For your information, Oliver loves my cooking.”