I don’t know why I added the last part, but the flare in Lana’s eyes makes it worth it.

After I watch her leave, I ask myself whether this is the game we’re destined to play, both trying to hurt the other.

I make my way to my office. When Valerie hands me the files, I skim through Jace’s file. I’ve seen it before, but the man has potential and he’s an asset to the company.

“Call Jace Hunter up to my office, Val.”

An hour later, I’m sitting across from a serious-looking man with intelligent brown eyes and a full head of hair that is perfectly slicked back.

“Why have you been passed up for a promotion, Mr. Hunter?” I ask easily, his file open in front of me.

He doesn’t seem intimidated by me, only crossing his legs in response. “I’d suggest you ask Crawford that. Or Lana Hill.”

My mouth twists at the sardonic tone laced with carefully veiled anger.

A spark of annoyance blazing at the blame being cast toward Lana.

“Miss Hill sent me your file, highlighting this fact,” I inform him, trying to keep my tone genial.

There’s surprise in his eyes at that.

That’s right, you little asshole. Go on, say something nasty about Lana, I dare you. My thoughts are dark.

“I wasn’t expecting that,” he admits, and I feel a surge of satisfaction. But then he continues. “I pointed out some discrepancies in the financial statements to the auditor when I first got here. The man was on Crawford’s payroll. The rest is, well…”

He doesn’t bother to elaborate, and he doesn’t have to.

“What can you tell me about Siemens Warte?” I ask with a vague smile, congratulating myself on having the moral courage to say Siemens out loud without being overcome by an urge to laugh.

Jace doesn’t seem to care about that. “You mean aside from the fact his parents probably hated him because they named him ‘Semen’?”

I like this man.

I allow a smirk. “Yes.”

Jace settles into his chair. “He spent a lot of time with Crawford. He seems to hold a general disdain for HR because they keep trying bust his chops, but, while Crawford was here, Lana couldn’t do much about him. The man has two steady clients he works with. He’s prone to taking long business lunches, and the ladies despise him.”

Jace clearly seems pleased with the last part.

“That seems to be general information. I’m asking about his work.”

Jace shrugs. “Our projects don’t overlap that much, but he’s often signed his name on my work a few times. It doesn’t hold because I have ten times more clients than he does, and they refuse to work with him.”

When I don’t say anything. Jace arches a brow. “You don’t believe me? I can show you piles and piles of evidence.” His smile is thin. “You’re going to have a field day with the number of emails I can forward you.”

My lips curve.



The weekend with my father should have been a nice break. Instead, he spent half the time attempting to interrogate me about my love life. I couldn’t exactly tell him that I’d spent a night getting my brains fucked out by the foreign CEO whom I had just started to warm to.

Speaking of Oliver makes my mind shift toward the thought of the tall man. I felt an ache in my chest when I remember his face after I outright rejected him.

Lies, a part of me hisses in disgust. You want him so desperately it’s embarrassing. You’re a fucking liar.

I had spent the better part of the week trying to figure out a way to return things between us back to normal. He had been nothing short of gentlemanly while I was awkward and nervous, not knowing how to meet his eyes. I’d spent my nights dreaming of his large hands tracing over my body, his fingers sliding into me, his cock in my mouth. I would wake up wet and panting, and I despised myself for it.