And yet, I don’t move.

I don’t want to enter that place.

I’m tired. Exhausted.

It’s three in the morning.

I stand, then make my way over to the couch before collapsing on it.

Sleep comes uneasily.

In my dreams, I chase after a woman with a soft smile, screaming at her to stop, not to leave me.

When I wake up bathed in sweat, I stare blindly at the ceiling before quietly turning over and closing my eyes again.

* * *

“You look like crap,” Lucas cheerfully informs me as he walks into my office.

I’m aware of the dark circles under my eyes. I should really look into getting another hotel room or just telling Caleb I want to take him up on his offer for company-provided living accommodations.

Instead, I just grunt. “What do you want?”

Lucas likes to stop my office every few days for a quick chat. My hostility seems to slide right off him. He parks his ass into the chair across from my desk, taking in my freshly washed hair.

“Taking advantage of the private bathroom, huh?” he asks.

I glare over the files I’ve been viewing of a Randall Forest, the CFO of the company, an overfed lug who seems more incompetent than his CV declares him to be.

I’ll be finding out soon enough.

“Are you my glorified babysitter?” I ask rudely.

The lawyer bares his teeth in what I assume is supposed to be a smile, not even bothering to deny it. “Of sorts. More like I’m wondering why you haven’t signed out of the building for the past week and a half.” He glances around the office. “Guess you are bringing a whole new meaning to ‘becoming the job’.”

I choose not to reply to that, demanding instead, “What the fuck kind of name is Siemens?”

Lucas steeples his fingers, his eyes gleaming in mirth. “One where we try to address him with his last name, Warte.” He winces. “Not that that helps any since the ‘e’ in that is silent.”

Semen Wart, I mouth.

Shaking my head, I say, “Senior executive in the finance department. He’s been promoted over this Jace Hunter, who seems to have more to his profile and projects. Mr. Warte,” my upper lip curls in disdain, “has worked on two projects throughout his tenure… and one is still pending completion. And he’s been promoted five times. Was HR sleeping on their job?”

“Say that to Lana, I dare you,” Lucas replies with a grin. “She’ll bite your head off.”

I’ve not seen the woman in the past three days.

Every time I try to go to her office, she’s somewhere else. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was avoiding me. However, whatever I need is efficiently delivered to my office within moments of my requesting it.

It irks me that Lucas is on a first-name basis with her.

The fact that it irks me irks me.

Suddenly, I have an insane urge to throw this grinning bastard out of my office.

The knock on the door has me looking over, and I let out a curt, “Come in.”

When it opens, I find myself blinking at Lana Hill, who’s marching toward me, her pretty features disgruntled. She dumps a heap of files on my desk. “I hope you’re happy.”