Page 28 of Hometown Lover

Peter's not my boyfriend though.

I had to remind myself of that too because it felt so good to just kind of pretend for a minute. I shook that thought out of my head right away. There was really no point in pretending we were anything other than friends.

This is a fling. Nothing more.

"So," Peter asked drawing me out of my head. "Are you going back to your mom's tomorrow then?"

My stomach dropped, but I nodded anyway. "I probably should, right? Your truck can probably make it out of here now."

"The plow should be by this afternoon and cut us out even more of a path," he added. "I'm sure I'll be able to get us through. Don't worry. Did you want me to help you clean it out still?"

I toyed with my mug as I picked it up from the table. "Maybe. I know you have a lot of work to do yourself. I'm pretty sure I can handle it for the most part."

Peter waved a hand. "I'll help out if I can. I don't want you trying to lug all of that stuff around on your own, you know?"

I smiled. He cares about me. It was nice to have someone that wanted to look out for me. I nodded, not wanting to push back against him at all. Right at that moment, I just

wanted to know what it was like to be cared for and have someone who could back me up. Someone who could support me.

"Thank you," I said finally. "For everything. Seriously, this has been like the vacation I've been dying to have for a while. I didn't think I'd have that here, but you made it so fun."

"That's my job, remember? You always told me that my job was to keep you entertained. I think I've delivered," he grinned.

I laughed. "You've more than done your duty."

"Good, then you won't mind if we have to make another trip to my bed today."

I blinked at him. "Already? Aren't you tired by now?"

"I could never get tired of you."

Smooth bastard. I couldn't stop grinning. Yeah, Peter was more trouble than ever before.

Chapter 12


The day had a heavier feeling to it than it did the day before. We woke up and started getting ready to go. I watched Joanne pack up her things, but the same laughter that had been on her face the day before wasn't there now. I poked her gently in the side.

"Did you want some coffee to go?" I asked.

She nodded. "That would be nice."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Jo nodded. "Yeah, I'm just a little exhausted. I guess I've been doing more than I thought on this little vacation," she laughed. "I'll be fine. Do me a favor and hand me that bag."

I passed the bag over to her and watched her go back to it.

There's something going on in that brain of hers.

I could always tell. Joanne's poker face had always been pretty good, but I knew how to read her in a way other people didn't. I also knew that if I kept asking she'd only get annoyed.

Instead of pestering her, I went into the kitchen to make coffee. I couldn't believe we'd spent the past few days together holed up in my house. It had been a perfect reunion in my eyes and I knew I wanted her to stay longer. I already knew I would offer for her to come back before she left, at least so we could hang out one more time before she disappeared back to the middle of the desert and I didn't get to see her again for a while.

I grabbed two travel mugs and poured each of us a healthy amount of coffee. I added extra whip cream in hers and carried them back out to the living room to find her dressed and ready to go. She was still wrapped up in my coat since hers was way too thin. Every time I saw her in my clothes she tugged at my heartstrings.

"All set," she said as she reached over and patted Rory's head. "I'm going to miss you."