Page 27 of Hometown Lover

I perked up right away. "Of course. Let's do it!"

I loved helping out with the cattle. They were huge beasts, but so sweet that I just wanted to pet and love them anyway. The more I was around them, the easier it was to take care of them. I rubbed one of the cow’s heads and it licked my hand with its huge, rough tongue. I shivered and Peter laughed at me.

"You're so cute there princess."

I flipped him off. "I don't mind but it still feels funny," I laughed. "I like them."

"I know you do."

I smiled as he worked. I realized that he liked to talk to them as he did. He greeted each of the cattle by name, petting them and treating them like beloved pets as he did. It was just another reason why I loved hanging around him. We filled up the troughs with food and fresh water before we walked back over to the house. I was cold now and Peter worked on a fire as soon as we stepped inside. I was grateful for that.

"Need some help?" He asked as I tried to maneuver out of his huge boots and clothes but fell over onto the couch.

"Maybe," I laughed. "Okay, yes. Take me out of this stuff."

Peter grinned and helped me slip out of the layers that he'd dressed me in. By the time I was down to my underwear, I felt better and the heat from the fire only fueled that sense of warmth, home, and comfort. He disappeared and came back with a huge blanket before he wrapped me up in it. Once I was comfy, he walked away again and came back with two steaming hot mugs of coffee. Mine had a healthy amount of whipped cream and chocolate on top.

"Hey, you remembered," I said as I scooped up a bit and popped it into my mouth.

"How could I not? You've always liked things way too sweet."

"Don't judge my sweet tooth," I laughed. "I can't help that sugar is a gift from God. Come on."

Peter shook his head. "Just like a child."

I hit his arm and he leaned against me. The heat and weight of his body made me want to stay stuck to the couch for the rest of the day. I opened the blanket and draped it over him too so we could snuggle up together.

My phone buzzed away on the table and interrupted our quiet cuddling. I sighed when Peter handed it to me, but I knew that the real world wouldn't wait forever. I'd just hoped that it would. Just for a little while, I wanted time to just be suspended and enjoy what I wanted to enjoy.

I checked my messages and saw Amber's number.

Of course, it was my boss. She wanted to know when I was coming back, but it was not as cleverly disguised as her asking how the snow was doing. I knew she was just waiting for it to melt so I could get back on task and get back to her as well. The kids must be driving her crazy right now. I quickly texted back that the snow was still heavy and that I couldn't leave while my car was being repaired.

I felt Peter's eyes on me and I glanced in his direction. "What?" I asked.


I nodded. "Yeah, Amber's kids must be having a particularly active day. As soon as they are she's ready to reach for nanny superhero of the year."

"I don't get how anyone could even want a nanny. No offense to your job, but if I had kids I'd want to be around them every day. Isn't that the point of having them?" He asked.

"I guess for some people it's just too much," I said, trying to not take a side for some reason. "Hey, you think about things like kids and stuff?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "Sometimes. Not a lot. I still haven't found anyone to even think about having kids with, but I think when you get around our age some weird thing starts happening and you get those moments of thinking about it."

"That's your biological clock," I grinned. "Someone's is ticking if you're thinking about babies."

Peter picked up a pillow and swung it at me. "Shut up. I never said I was thinking about babies. Don't be a brat."

"It's what I do best."

Amber texted again and I tried to help her out from my place on Peter's couch. It seemed like real-life was coming up faster and faster. Pretty soon I was sure it was going to consume me again.

I draped my legs over Peter's lap and his fingers automatically started to rub and massage them as if on autopilot.

I could get used to this.

I hadn't had a boyfriend in so long. I missed the small things in a relationship. Having someone to sit with quietly, doing things together, talking or sitting in silence and just enjoying each other's company.