Page 85 of Hometown Virgin

Hailey’s eyes widened, but before she could refute that, her brother turned on James. “What the hell, man? It’s a prototype. You know it’s not road certified!”

“I tried her out this morning. She’s driving like a dream. Surely you want her to see exactly why you’re doing so well? And who better than with me? You know I’ve got advanced licenses. She’ll be as safe as houses with me.”

Hailey gawked at him. “I don’t want to go in that pimp mobile!”

“Hey!” her brother retorted. “That baby is my pride and joy, sis.”

Guilt flooded through her. “I didn’t mean it as badly as it sounded.”

“She did,” James retorted archly, shooting her a grin so wicked she longed to slap him.

Aidan huffed. “Now my pride’s hurt. Take her out but be damn careful with her, James. And I’m not even talking about the Orion.”

Hailey snorted. “At least I know I rank higher on your priorities than a car.”

“Only just,” Aidan replied, winking at her until she had to hide a grin.

“That’s settled then,” James inserted, his tone oozing with glee.

She shot him a glare, wondering how the hell he’d managed to achieve the impossible. The last thing she wanted was to be alone with him. But alone in a tiny tin box for only God knew how long?

This week was turning out to be a real doozy.


The minute James’ foot flatlined the gas, Orion reacted like the thoroughbred she was. The car shot off around the private track where the garages were housed and where this little beauty was stored, then he took her off course and onto the open road.

The compound was on a mountainous hillock, and by rights, though the road was an open road and accessible by the public, until they reached gates that were secured and required passes to gain entry, it was still Arias Industry’s land.

That meant, though Orion wasn’t certified yet, they weren’t legally breaking any laws.

James knew his money could grease many palms, but he preferred not to hassle his lawyers too much. The sharks were overpaid as it was without him handing them fodder to feed on.

As they flew past grassy terrain and headed over to a road that would take them higher up the mountain to a viewpoint he knew Hailey would love and would never have seen on previous visits, he took a real joy in her being with him as he played with his new toy.

Once on the right track, he let Orion loose to do her thing and basically watched on as the auto-pilot kicked in.

“It’s self-driving?” she squeaked, as she watched the wheel twist and turn while his hands were on his lap.

Her squeak had him snorting. “You know that technology isn’t new.”

“Yeah, but it’s… it’s being tested. Right? And this isn’t a functional car. It’s a sports car!”

He grinned. “If we time it right, she’ll be the first baby out on the market. Incredible, huh? That’s why Aidan and I are so proud. We’re light-years ahead of the other competition when it comes to the style of the vehicle, as well as the engine. It’s hybrid, sure, but it handles like Orion’s a racecar.” He rubbed his hands together. “This is going to change the way we see cars.”

She let out a long breath that had him peering at her rather than the road ahead.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she immediately denied, but he watched as she folded her arms across her chest.

“Liar. What is it with you and lies today, huh?” he demanded, frowning at her. He didn’t like that she didn’t trust him, and he hated it even more that he’d only just figured it out.

How hadn’t he seen her suspiciousness of him before now?

Had she shielded it from him?

Had the kiss been the last straw, and it had ripped off the mask she wore to hide from him?