Page 122 of Hometown Virgin

Her disastrous dating life was such that she’d found herself dedicating way too many hours to her business over the years. It was one of the reasons why Mayordomo was so successful.

Though the hours they both worked were insane and necessary, April sometimes found herself sleeping at the office to make sure things got done right first time.

“It’s a private villa. I found it by chance, actually. You know one of us would have to vet the place, April. It’s not like we could send her off there without seeing if the pictures matched up with reality. Why don’t you go? Extend the short break into a week, or ten days even. You can work remotely if I’m desperately in need of your help, so keep your phone on. But otherwise, just chill. Where’s the harm?”


Not just Greece but an island. A private villa worthy of an A-List brat…

April gnawed at her bottom lip again.

That did sound tempting.

Sarah giggled. “You should see the look on your face.”

April grinned, unable to help herself when Sarah laughed her infectious laugh. “What? Do I look dopey?”

“No, you look like you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop, but there’s no need. You know I hate flying anyway, so you’d have been the one to end up going there. All I’m saying is stay longer.”

April reached for the bottle of water Sarah had been trying to shove at her moments before. After she took a long sip of the cold, chilly liquid, she asked, “Are you sure you don’t mind?”

She asked out of politeness. What Sarah was suggesting… extending her time there… it made her feel bad, but also, relieved. Because she knew, deep down, Sarah was right again. Some time off, just to breathe and take some free time for herself, would do her the world of good.

“You know I don’t mind,” Sarah immediately countered. “You’d have my back if I was in the same spot, wouldn’t you?”

“Of course,” April said immediately, though both women knew that wasn’t necessary.

Sarah was married to another of April’s friends, Jonas. They’d all known each other since college. Sarah and Jonas had hooked up and fallen head over heels in love in their sophomore year. Five years on, they were married and so damn happy, and if April didn’t love them both to pieces, she’d hate them.

Yeah, that was how happy they were.

Jonas never seemed to mind the crazy hours Sarah worked, while all April’s exes accused her of being the boss equivalent of a Bridezilla. Bosszilla?

Hmm, maybe she could copyright the word.

And though the thought of how damn happy her best friends were made her laugh and wince at the same time, she wasn’t too proud to admit that she wished she had some of that in her life.

In fact, that stability was probably what she was looking for herself.

She wanted the comfort, the knowledge of having someone in your corner. At all times.

She knew she had Jonas and Sarah, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted the connection they had with each other.

God, she wanted it so badly, it made her ache some nights. Hell, not just the nights. The days too. She saw Sarah’s smile when she checked her phone and Jonas had sent her a message. Whether it was a funny meme or something that made Sarah’s face turn tender in response, April wanted some of that for herself.

Did that make her horrible? Or just really, really honest?

Sarah clicked her fingers in April’s face. “Where did you go?”

She blinked at the snapping sound. “Hey,” she complained.

“You disappeared on me again,” Sarah retorted, then looked down at her watch. “And I need to get going shortly. Which means, Cinderella, I need to get you home before midnight strikes.”

April pouted. “You don’t want to get drunk with me.”

April couldn’t blame her. Jonas might have been April’s best friend too, but she knew what the man looked like.

He made the word fine look ugly.