‘Of course not and please do stop calling me that,’ Robyn said, flushing slightly. ‘Robyn’s my name.’

‘Robyn, then,’ Patrizio said and bent down to press a brief but firm kiss to Keira’s mouth. ‘How are you feeling?’


‘I’d better get going,’ Robyn said. ‘Kingsley will be wondering where I’ve got to.’

‘I’ll walk you out,’ Keira said.

‘No need to do that, darling,’ her mother said. ‘You and Patrizio need some time together. I’ll see myself out.’

Once her mother had left, Keira eased herself out of Patrizio’s hold. ‘You should have told me you were coming home today,’ she said. ‘I gave Marietta the night off. There are only leftovers to eat.’

‘Shouldn’t you be eating more than leftovers?’ he asked.

‘I thought you would be happy if I faded away to a shadow,’ she said. ‘That would make things easier for you, wouldn’t it?’

‘How so?’

‘You could be rid of me and the baby. That’s what you want, isn’t it?’

‘You seem to be very certain of that.’

She looked at him searchingly. ‘Have you changed your mind?’

He held her gaze for several moments. ‘I have been doing some thinking while I was away,’ he said. ‘I am prepared to continue with our marriage indefinitely for the sake of our child.’

‘So you’re admitting there’s a very real possibility it could be yours?’ she asked.

‘I would prefer to have it confirmed but I realise this is a difficult time for you and I am offering my support, particularly as Merrick is leaving the country within a week or so.’

She thinned her lips and swung away. ‘You won’t let it go, will you?’

‘I am sorry,’ he said after a tense pause. ‘I should not have said that, especially when I know for a fact you have not seen Merrick while I have been out of town.’

Keira turned around to look at him. ‘How do you know I haven’t seen him?’

His dark, unfathomable gaze secured hers. ‘Because I have had someone tailing you while I was away.’

‘You’ve what?’ she choked.

‘It was within my interests to make sure you were not tempted to stray,’ he said. ‘I wanted to see if you were as good as your word.’

Keira began to seethe with rage, and clenching her fists, glared at him. ‘How dare you? How dare you put me to the test like that?’

‘I dared because I want to make sure you are as committed to this marriage as I am this time around,’ he said. ‘And I will continue to keep tabs on you until such time as trust is re-established.’

‘It will never be re-established as I’m not going to be a part of such a farce,’ she threw at him furiously. ‘Once this week is over and the boys are through their exams I’m leaving and I’m never coming back.’

His mouth tightened. ‘You will not be going anywhere without my permission,’ he said intractably.

She gave him a mutinous glare. ‘You just watch me.’

His hands came down on to the tops of her shoulders. ‘You are the most maddening woman I have ever met,’ he growled. ‘I came back determined to set things right between us and you are doing everything in your power to ruin what we have.’

‘What is it we actually have?’ she asked. ‘Bitterness, regret and not much else.’

‘That is not true,’ he argued. ‘We still have the attraction we have always felt for each other.’