Page 78 of Pieces of Summer

“I really don’t want to go to work,” I grumble against her neck, feeling like a kid who’s lost in a girl for the summer.

“You have to,” she says quickly, going still against me.

“I know.” I raise back, confused. She looks pale for some reason all of the sudden, but she slowly relaxes.

She’s been back for well over a month now, and I’ve managed to shove my heart back in her hands. But I still haven’t learned anything about the dark secrets that make her scream at night. Or the reasons for some of the random rules she has.

No “times” is a big one. I follow her rules without questioning her, but I hope she opens up soon.

“I’ll see you when I get off work tonight,” I tell her, kissing her forehead.

Her color has returned, and she beams up at me before sliding off the bed.

I got up and got ready earlier, then ended back up in bed fully clothed while Mika read random passages of her books to me.

I could stay like that all day, just listening to her speak.

Feeling like a lovesick teenager all over again, I lace my fingers with hers as we walk out the door. Aidan came home yesterday, and Mika asked if we could come over here instead of staying there.

I’m sure it’s because Aidan wants to slice and dice me. I get it.

We left before he got back, and Mika turned off her phone when he wouldn’t stop calling. Talk about being way too overprotective. Something must have happened to make him turn into someone who smothers her, considering he didn’t ever give a damn about even speaking to her when they were kids.

It could have something to do with the little bit she told me about her mother and almost killing her. Not that she’s elaborated on any of that.

I walk her out to her car that she insisted on driving last night, and I pin her against the door, kissing her like I don’t want to let go. She’s been consuming me, and every time she kisses me, it’s like she’s giving it all she has, consuming me all the more.

When our lips break apart, she rubs the side of my cheek, feeling the stubble along my jaw.

“I’ll see you after work,” she says on a sigh.

I nod, brushing my lips against hers, and trying to force myself away. I forgot how damn good it felt to feel alive.

Chapter 37


Aidan is pacing the front porch when I pull up, and I inwardly cringe. As soon as he spots me, his entire body visibly relaxes.

“Where the fucking hell have you been?”

“Camp grounds,” I lie, forcing a believable smile. “I told you I was sleeping under the stars last night.”

“You can’t just sleep in random places, Mika,” he groans.

“Actually, where I sleep isn’t a problem. I’ve never had an issue with location change, and you know that. It’s not a trigger. My mind doesn’t read it as a habit or routine that has to be adhered to.”

He follows me into the house, looking exhausted and worried, and I feel like a selfish ass. It’s time to tell him the truth. Aidan definitely deserves the truth, and I’m a bitch for trying to hide it for so long to avoid the inevitable blow up.

“I meant you can’t just sleep in random places because it’s not safe. Nothing to do with your issues,” he tells me, making me wince.

I hate hearing the way he refers to my issues. The tone of annoyance and hint of resentment is always there. Aidan deserves my high praises for being by my side, but it always makes me feel like I’ve ruined his life.

“Why don’t you ever have girlfriends?” I ask him, watching as his eyebrows go up in surprise.

“Where the hell did that come from?” he asks.

“Do you stay single because of me? Because you don’t want to introduce someone new into my life who might not stay?”