Page 24 of Pieces of Summer

“I think that sounds like a plan. As long as you tell me how to get there,” I say to Jake, ignoring my messy thoughts that are all bumping into each other.

“I’ll pick you up.”

“Hell nah,” Hunter pipes in, shaking his head. “First dates get a meet-in-public arrangement. Not a pick-up-from-home arrangement. Not unless you’re very acquainted with each other. Which you’re not.”

I fight hard not to laugh. Hunter is like a second brother, but he looks utterly ridiculous when he’s wearing pants so tight he’d bust them wide open if he bent over. He loses major intimidation points just because of his wardrobe choices.

Blake just grins, still looking at me. “Fine. Give me your number and I’ll text you the info…” He lets the words trail off, waiting for me to insert my name.

“It’s Mika.”

His grin broadens as I scribble down my number and hand him the paper. “See you Saturday, Mika.”

Shit. I wish I hadn’t agreed to an exact day. That’s stupid.

“You could tell her your name,” Hunter groans, but he eyes me like he’s noticing the pale color on my skin. “Seriously. I thought Southern guys were supposed to be so much fucking better than us.”

“I already saw her peep my nametag,” Blake says, winking at me. “It’s why I invited her out.”

He turns and chuckles as he walks toward the back, and I walk out with Hunter as he mocks Blake’s laughter. At least I’ll have a friend when everyone else abandons me at the end of summer.

A small bubble of sadness catches me off guard, and Chase’s boyish face pops into my mind. He always hated the end of summer, because he had to stay while I went away.

Now he hates summer.

He hates me.

I don’t even know what I did wrong.

I also don’t care.

“You shouldn’t have agreed to an exact day,” Hunter tells me quietly.

“I know,” I say on a sigh. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t give me an exact time even if I have to let you read my messages for me.”

He frowns while glancing over to where his rental car is parked.

“Be careful with this, Mika. New friends aren’t always armed with good intentions, and he’s looking for more than friendship.”

Clearing my throat, I shake my head. “No worries. I’m not interested in that.”

“Because of a certain someone else?” he pries.

Turning my head away, I get in my car and try not to think about anything at all. My head is killing me.

Chapter 13


“What are you doing?” I ask Mika, staring at her like she’s lost her mind.

“Putting two blue dots on this wall to match the two blue dots on the other wall. It’s driving me crazy.”

My eyes dart to the other wall to see two small dots there. Hmmm. I haven’t ever noticed them before. I don’t know how she handles my house if something like that drives her crazy. But she never says a word about anything in there, and it’s disgusting.

“What are the two blue dots for?”

“I don’t know. I think someone wrote on it with an ink pen or something. It took forever to match the color and then measure out the exact placement.” She leans back, and her entire body relaxes. “Done.”