Page 22 of Pieces of Summer

“I bought my dad’s house,” I say quietly, not willing to elaborate.

“Why? And why did you fucking buy the bowling alley? Why aren’t you a doctor in New York or something?”

Why the hell would I be a doctor in New York? How does he know I was ever even in New York?

Just the mention of it has a cold chill spreading across my neck.

“Probably because I never went to medical school. Can you please let me out? I want to get away from all of this tension. I have to work with Whit. It’s awkward enough. Why did you tell her I took your virginity?”

I immediately regret saying that so loud when the woman behind us makes a strangled noise. Chase’s lips twitch as he leans closer.

“Because it’s the truth. Saying I should have lied to my girlfriend?” he asks, sounding as though he’s taunting me.

“Well, did you tell her everything? If not, then that part could have been excluded. For some reason, she thinks I’m a hell of a lot more special than I am because of that.” My eyes narrow, and I refuse to inhale through my nose, because his scent is all around me, suffocating me, leaving me lightheaded.

He doesn’t smell like a boy using cheap soap anymore. Not that it was ever a bad smell. It was always a comforting smell. Now he smells intimidating—figuratively. He smells like spice and sex wrapped around a body meant for seduction.

“Why the bowling alley, Mika?” He spits my name out like it tastes bitter in his mouth.

“Why are you the one acting pissed at me when I’m the only one here who has the right to be pissed?”

The tattoo that crawls up his neck draws my eyes to it, and I see the tips of wings there.

“You still haven’t answered my questions,” he says quieter, almost sounding strained.

It takes me a second to realize I’ve leaned in closer in my pursuit to see his neck tattoos, and my breath is blowing back from his neck to my face. Yeah… That close.

I jerk back like I’ve just touched a hot stove, and a small smirk appears on his lips as though he’s enjoying the fact I feel like an idiot.

“You haven’t answered mine either,” I retort.

“Looks like we’re at a stalemate then.” His eyes sparkle with annoying amusement, and I look away.

“Can I please get out?” I ask through gritted teeth.

Anything to do with Chase James is a slippery slope for me. A very, scary, slippery slope that will end like a shit-storm with no disaster relief teams.

He slips out of the booth, and waves his hand with flourish like he’s gesturing, “as you wish, milady.”


Aidan and Whit are nowhere to be seen, which is good, considering I know I’m flushed and furious and annoyed… and…and… There’s another word I’m looking for, but it seems to be eluding me at the moment.

I’m glad I’m in sneakers, but I wish I had worn something other than jeans, considering my body hasn’t gotten as used to the heat and humidity as the natives.

Thunder crackles above, as though the sky is laughing at me, punctuating my shitty day. Sure enough, when the rain starts to fall, it rips free like a hole is torn in the sky, pummeling me as I run toward my house.

Once upon a time, I loved the summer storms in Hayden because Chase was always there to distract me from being scared.

Bad, bad thought process.

By the time I get home, I’m covered in sweat and rain, my heartbeat is in my ears, and I stare at the ceiling above me like it’s going to give me a hug and make everything better.

Somehow I went and made the worst mistake of my life because I couldn’t let go of the past. Well, congratu-fucking-lations, Mika. Now you get to face your past every single painful day. Great decision. Just great.

“Damn, girl.” Hunter’s voice startles me, and I open my eyes to see him looking me over in a bit of shock. “You look like you need a drink.”

“Or something stronger,” I mutter, wishing we had some pot on hand. Well, I’d wish for it if I was allowed to smoke it.