Page 91 of Pieces of Summer

He shakes his head vehemently. “He’d never go for that. He loves you, Mika. It’s not a hardship. Trust me, I know. We want to be here for you.”

More tears start to fall, and I fight off the impending pity party.

“Please, Hunter. Please. If you don’t do this for me, I’ll have to ask someone else—someone who might not be as trustworthy with my banking info. So please.”

Tears brim in his eyes, but they don’t fall as he sits back and studies me. I’m on the verge of begging when he finally nods.

“This is going to kill him, Mika. You know that.”

“At first,” I admit. “But then he’ll finally get to have a life that doesn’t revolve around his crazy sister. He’s earned the right to live, and he’ll have you. You’ll be here for him. You two will have each other.”

“And who the fuck will you have?” he growls. “I’m not leaving you out there to go at this alone.”

“It’s my choice. Help me or don’t. I’m not putting anyone else through this anymore. At least this way you’ll still know where I am if I’m ever needed for anything—but I won’t be needing anyone. It is killing me to feel like I’m ruining everything and everyone around me.”

He holds his head back, as though he’s fighting off the tears, and I let mine freely run down my face, unable to wipe them away. Wordlessly, he stands and walks toward the door. He pauses at the doorway, almost as though he’s hesitating, but he doesn’t turn back around.

“This is the most selfish decision you’ve ever made, and I’m not doing it.” He turns to face me. “You’re not going anywhere without us, Mika. I’m sorry, but I just can’t let that happen. Guess you’ll just have to deal with letting us love you.”

He stalks out angrily, and a sob breaks free as I try to turn my face into the pillow to muffle it. I struggle against the restraints, getting nothing but resistance as more hot tears scald my cheeks. I hate this. I hate it all. It’s not… It’s not fucking fair.

Chapter 42


“That James boy is just trouble waiting to happen,” I hear Mrs. Norris telling Mika, but I stay around the corner, just listening as I hold the ice cream cones in my hands. “Your father shouldn’t let you stay around him. You’re a good girl with a good future, yet every summer you two are glued to the hip. It’s not good for you.”

“Fuck off,” Mika groans, sounding annoyed. Painfully, I choke back a laugh.

The gasp of indignant horror from the high school teacher is loud. It’s rare we get out, but Mika wanted ice cream, and I wanted to feel what it was like to walk through town with my arm around her.

“See? He’s already influencing you! That’s not respect you’re showing me.”

“Respect is keeping your mouth shut about someone you know nothing about. So kindly… fuck off.”

My smile spreads, and that easiness in my chest settles in. She makes it all seem different. Nothing else fucking matters.

“You’ll see. When he proves he’s no better than his father or mother, you’ll see.”

“All I see is some incredibly bored woman trash talking a teenager because she gets her rocks off on stirring shit. Oh, and I see a woman who has probably fucked his father a few times. Mr. James has quite the reputation for more than just drinking.”

Another gasp widens my smile, and angry heels clicking against the pavement lets me know Mrs. Norris is leaving.

I turn the corner to see Mika smiling to herself, and remember why I’m in love with her. Instead of saying anything, I walk up and press my lips to hers, surprising her as I try to hold the ice cream away from us.

She wraps her arms around my waist, not giving a damn if anyone in town sees her kissing me. I’m not the dirty secret or a rebellious moment. I’m hers, and she doesn’t care who knows it.

“I love you,” I say against her lips.

“Then give me my ice cream,” she says back, smiling against me.

Snickering, I step back and hand her the chocolate cone, and she moans while licking a section. Damn it. Now my dick is stone.

Mika smirks at me, probably aware of what she’s doing, and I roll my eyes while trying to play it off.

“I need to swing by my house and check on Mom,” I tell her on a sigh, which immediately kills the hard-on.

“Of course,” she says with a shrug.