She shrugs and giggles. “It’s adorable, most of the time.”

Let’s hope my woman sees it that way too.

“Anyway,” I say, getting back on the subject of her visit. “Who reached out to you?”

“Grier Studios.”

“What the fuck?” I shout, then immediately feel bad when Nicole’s blue eyes become wide as saucers. “Sorry.”

“That seemed like a slight overreaction there, Ty.”

I wave my hand nonchalantly. “I’ve got a whole thing going on with Grier right now. Clearly, they are trying to avoid working with me.” I rub the back of my neck, trying to loosen some of my tension and mutter, “Or avoid me altogether.”

“Pardon?” Nicole’s tone makes it clear she heard me, and her face shows I’ve piqued her interest.

“It’s just this thing with one of their execs,” I mumble, completely mortified when I feel my cheeks heat. “She’s been ignoring me.”

Nicole sits back in her chair and plays with the ends of her long blonde hair, while she stares at me reflectively. “I assume you’re talking about ignoring you on a personal level?” she clarifies. I nod, and she cocks her head to the side. “New executive?”

“Yeah, the new Assistant Vice President. Colette.”

A smile slowly spreads across Nicole’s face. “Just Colette?”

I tug on the bottom of one ear, a little suspicious of the cunning tilt to her smile. “She’s not listed in the company directory yet.” I shrug. “I’m sure I could find out her last name but $200 got me her number from a gofer, so it wasn’t really necessary.” Something in her look prompts me to ask, “Do you know her?”

“I’m surprised at you, Tyson,” Nicole quips with a smirk as she rises to her feet, completely ignoring my question.

“What do you mean?”

“I always thought there isn’t anything happening in this town that you don’t know about.”

My brows draw down and I give her a mild glare. “One last name doesn’t mean I’m not like the fucking Wizard of Oz around here. If I don’t know about it today, I’ll know about it tomorrow.”

Nicole laughs and saunters to the door before stopping to look at me once more. “You are so much like Austin and Theo sometimes; I would’ve expected you to turn into a complete caveman over the right woman.” She turns and walks out, without waiting for me to respond.

The truth is, I’ve been fighting my baser instincts when it comes to Colette. But maybe I should take a page from my friends’ books and let the motherfucking Neanderthal loose.

I don’t care if she’s got a date, boyfriend, whatever. She’s mine.

* * *

I’m still pissed the fuck off about Colette having a date when I arrive at the Oscars the next day. However, I put on my best fake-genuine smile and get ready to do a little schmoozing. I have a few of my own clients up for awards, as well as many others who are repped by my company with other agents. Still, we are always on the hunt for new stars to manage, so I attend these events to support my clients as much as to charm potential new ones.

Normally, I’m in my element on a night like this, but tonight, I can’t get my mind in the game. My eyes are constantly darting around, looking for midnight black hair and dark brown eyes.

Finally, I spot her walking in and my breath gets caught in my lungs. She looks magnificent in a deep purple gown made of a silky material that clings to her in all the right places. When she walks, a slit down the front makes the skirt billow behind her, showing off her gorgeous legs and killer stilettos that have matching purple ties that wrap around her ankle and calf. Like a present just waiting to be opened.

Her midnight black hair is twisted up into a beautiful mess of curls, with a few strands framing her face and that sexy as sin mouth once again painted blood red.

My tongue is basically glued to the roof of my mouth, which I’m grateful for or I’d probably be drooling. Until she stops, turns, and loops her arm through that of the man standing next to her. Carson Grier.

Holy shit. Her date is Carson Grier? Pissed becomes boiling with rage in 0.2 seconds. She looks up at him with an adoring expression and jealousy twists my stomach. Thankfully, I’m standing near a wall and I lean back against it so that I won’t fall down. I can’t help staring as they step into the crowd and begin to mingle.

Every time my eyes drift towards the dirty old bastard, I feel daggers shoot out. However, he’s introducing her to just about everyone they meet, and I briefly wonder if maybe it’s a business thing. If she’s new, she won’t have made the connections yet. This is what I try to tell myself and then she laughs at something he says, and he bends down to whisper something to her.