“Ooh, really?” I waggle my eyebrows at him and put a little extra wiggle in my hips since the other thing that’s been out of control during my pregnancy is my sex drive.

“Unless you want to give your dad a surprise he’ll never unsee”—Tyson gives me a quick swat on my butt—“you’d better save that for later.”

“My dad? He’s in on this?” I run my thumb across the underside of my rings, remembering the last time the two most important men in my life had surprised me. Not only had my dad given Tyson my mom’s diamond ring for his proposal, he’d also let him have her wedding band. Tyson, being the man that he is, took it a step further and had a matching one made for himself and surprised me with both of them on our wedding day. How he managed to pull that off—along with the small, intimate ceremony and reception of my dreams—in such a short time remains a mystery to me to this day.

“Yeah, it’s more his surprise than mine. All I did was help a little bit,” he explains as he leads me through our side yard to the fence between our property and the neighbors to the left. My brows lift high when he unlatches a gate which wasn’t there the last time I’d been on this side of the house.

“We can’t just sneak into the Anderson’s yard,” I hiss, yanking on his hand to try to slow him down before we get caught.

“Don’t worry, Colette. You’re not going to get into trouble for being here,” my dad calls out from their back porch. The brand-new patio furniture that had arrived a few weeks ago is no longer there. Instead, there’s a set that looks an awful lot like the one at my dad’s house. The one he’d imported from Italy.

I’m even more confused when my dad walks through the French doors leading into the kitchen. Tyson and I follow him, going straight through the dining room into the family room. “What? How?” I twirl around in a circle, taking in the familiar furnishings and decorations from my childhood home before stopping to stare at my dad in awe. “I don’t understand. Why is all of your stuff here?”

My dad beams a smile at me before he answers, “Because I’m your new neighbor. I moved in today.”

I shake my head in disbelief. “But the house wasn’t even for sale. There was no sign in front, and the Andersons didn’t say anything about moving.”

My dad tilts his head in Tyson’s direction. “That’s where your husband comes in. He can be awfully convincing when he wants to be.”

“You’re giving me too much credit, Carson,” Tyson disagrees. “All I did was make the original suggestion and introduction. You’re the one who gave them an offer they couldn’t refuse.”

“An offer they couldn’t refuse?” I echo, still not fully understanding how this all came about. “You’re the head of a studio, not the mafia.”

My dad’s smile grows wider. “All I did was suggest that we swap houses. Mine for theirs.”

My jaw drops in shock. Our neighborhood is fantastic, but the property values aren’t quite on par with my dad’s estate. “You traded houses with the Andersons? That’s insane. You had to have lost several million on the deal.”

My dad shrugs his shoulders like it’s no big deal. “Yeah, but their house had something more precious than all the money in the world. My daughter, son-in-law, and grandson right next door.”

I turn to look up at Tyson. “And you’re totally on board with having your father-in-law as your neighbor?”

His blue eyes crinkle in the corners as he smiles down at me. “Of course, I am, baby. Your dad and I get along great. Plus, he’ll be around more often to help me keep an eye on you and our little shoe.”

Between my dad, husband, and son, I’m destined to be surrounded by testosterone, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.



“And that’s four,” I grunt smugly as I roll to my side and cuddle Colette tightly in my arms.

She lifts her torso and leans on an elbow, digging it into my chest. “Tyson Alan Grant”—she narrows her eyes—“are you trying to get me pregnant again to keep up with Theo and Austin?”

It’s impossible for me to stop the grin that splits my face, and I wink at her. “Maybe. Or maybe I’m just trying to beat Remington.” She growls adorably, and I lift up to peck her sweet mouth. “But we both want a large family, so what does it matter that I got you pregnant today?”

“It matters to my boobs who are still nursing Imogen! That’s who!”

My eyes drift down to her heavy tits, and I lick my lips hungrily as my cocks stirs.

“Tyson, focus,” she snaps.

I raise an eyebrow, completely unrepentant. “You’re the one who brought them up. Can I help it if I want another taste?”