“Nope.” He shakes his head as he rifles through the section of dresses. “There’s no such thing as doing too much when it comes to you. I knew you were mine from the moment we met, and all I did was make sure I could provide whatever you needed once I got you home. I only wish I’d paid closer attention to the part about your family, but I was crunched for time when the report finally came in because I was too damn stubborn to get your last name along with your phone number. If I hadn’t waited, then I could’ve saved myself some jealousy.”

He holds out the perfect dress for my first day at work—a gorgeous swirl of pale purple and grey. Then he grabs a bra and panty set in lavender silk and a pair of grey stilettos. I’m overwhelmed by how much thought he put into everything. “How do you know me so well already?”

“You’re mine.” His answer is beautiful in its simplicity, and it has me wishing I didn’t need to hurry to make it to the office. I’ll just have to make up for it later.

Chapter 8


My eyes are on the clock all afternoon. I hated letting Colette out of my car when I dropped her off at her office. I wanted to take her back home and keep her sequestered in our bedroom where I could spend all of my time making sure she was pregnant. Even though I was positive I’d done the job on the first try.

But, some of the things I admire most about Colette are her intelligence, independence, and drive. She’s going to run that studio one day and be the most kickass female President in the industry. And, it’s one of the things that makes it sexy as fuck when she submits to me in the bedroom.

She said she’d be done by six today and I wanted to pick her up but her last appointment was off site. She said she’d take a company car to the meeting and then have it take her home. I only agreed because my schedule ended within a half-hour of hers and with the location, it meant we should arrive home at around the same time.


Startled, I stop staring at the time on my computer and look up just as Remington Vaughn enters my office. I’m actually relieved when I remember we have an appointment. It will give me something to focus on until I can pick up Colette.

I wave him in. “Hey, Rem. Have a seat.”

He walks in with sure footing and sits in a chair in front of my desk, visibly confident, but I know he’s feeling worried and insecure. “So?” he asks as he flexes his fingers nervously. “Any luck with Grier studios?”

I shake my head as I reach to the right side of my desk and grab a folder. “I think we’re going to have to table that for now. Give them a little more time.”

Remington’s expression slips, but he nods stoically. “If that’s what you think is best. “

“Truthfully,” I say sincerely, “I really do. Especially since I have an even better offer for you.” I smile and hold out the folder, pleased to see a little bit of light return to his piercing green eyes. When this project had landed on my desk, I’d felt like luck was on my side. The last thing I need is a wedge standing between me and Colette, especially if her father assumes that I’m only pursuing her to get Remington in the door. Which I’m sure he will. But, I have also worked hard to gain a reputation as an agent with integrity and someone who puts their clients first. This offer will make everyone happy.

Remington opens the file and as he reads over the first page, a smile grows on his face. “Is this for real?” he asks, looking up at me.

“They are ready to negotiate the contract as soon as I tell them whether you’re interested.” The film is about a major casino heist in Las Vegas. It’s an action flick with a huge amount of difficult stunt work.

“How?” he queries, still staring at the papers with absolute wonder.

I lean back in my chair and cross my ankles, acting relaxed but still trying not to stare at the damn clock. “I represent Griffith Thorne, the rockstar, and he recently signed a deal with the Lennox Hotel in Vegas. Which just happens to be where they are filming. He mentioned it to me, and it reminded me that Jackie Sterling is directing it.”

Remington lifts his head and his eyes are brimming with excitement. “Jackie Sterling? The one who directed Austin and Nicole’s first film?”

“The one and only,” I reply. That movie had put Jackie in the spotlight as much as Austin and Nicole. Everyone wants to work with her now, but I’d managed to lock her into two more movies starring the Hayes over the next five years. “When I contacted her, she and the casting director were thrilled and said as long as you can provide proof of insurance and sobriety, they are willing to make an offer.”