“Good.” He drops a kiss against my lips. “I’d hate for you to have second thoughts about us. But I have to admit I was looking forward to giving you another demonstration of exactly how perfect we are together. I wouldn’t have been able to let you out of my bed until I was certain you were convinced. Even if it took hours.”

I’m sorely tempted to pretend like I need convincing because of how amazing that sounds, but then my brain catches on to the whole let-me-out-of-bed-in-hours thing and I realize that bright light is streaming through his windows. “Do you know what time it is?”

Tyson shakes his head, and I pull away from him, ignoring his grunt when he reluctantly lets me go. I search the room for any sign of my purse or my phone and when I don’t see it anywhere, I scramble off the mattress. I’m not freaked out as I probably should be by the possibility of being pregnant, but the realization that I never went home last night fills me with anxiety. It won’t matter to my dad that I’m twenty-two and have lived away from home for four years. I’m sure he’s wondering where I am and why my last message didn’t say anything about being out until morning. “I need to find my purse. I think I dropped it by your door.”

Tyson gets up and stalks towards the door. “Baby, relax. I’ll go get it for you.”

I stare at his bare ass until he’s out of my sight. “Holy hell,” I sigh, fanning myself. While he’s gone, I use the time to myself to go to the bathroom after I pull on the white undershirt Tyson had worn last night. As I’m washing my hands, I notice a rose gold electronic toothbrush sitting next to a black one. It’s my favorite brand and color, making me smile and shake my head. Tyson went above and beyond in his research on me. I’m going to have to figure out how to play catch-up soon to learn all of his likes and dislikes.

When I finish brushing my teeth, I wander back into the bedroom and find Tyson walking in. He has my phone in one hand and a mug of coffee in the other. He hands the coffee to me first, and I find that it’s the perfect mixture of cream and artificial sweetener when I take a sip. “Mmm, delicious.”

He winks at me, with a wicked gleam in his eyes. “Now I know why you taste so sweet.”

“Stop,” I chuckle, reaching for my phone. “No more flirting until I check in with my dad.”

My screen lights up, and I let out a little yelp. “It’s almost eleven o’clock!” Then the notifications load and a bunch of texts and missed calls from my dad appear. “And my dad is flipping out.”

“Your dad will settle down as soon as he hears from you.” Tyson runs his hand soothingly down my back.

I snort in disbelief and shoot off a quick text letting my dad know I’m alive and still plan on coming into work today. “You clearly don’t know my dad very well if you think he’s going to be fine with me spending the night with you.”

He shrugs his broad shoulders before going into his closet, to the right of the bathroom, to grab a pair of boxers and put them on. “I’m not going anywhere. He’ll get used to me eventually.”

“That’s easy for you to say, he’s not your dad,” I huff. “And you’re not the one who’s going to be late on their first official day on the job. I’m supposed to be in the office by Noon.”

“I’ll get you there on time,” Tyson promises.

“It’s impossible. I can’t show up in the dress I wore last night, and walking in wearing your shirt”—I sweep a hand down my body—“would be even worse. It’ll take forever to drive to my dad’s house and then the studio.”

“There’s no need to go to your dad’s before heading into work.” He flashes me a smug grin and goes over to open the door on the the left side of the bathroom.

I follow him inside and turn in a full circle, taking everything in. I feel like I might still be asleep, dreaming. “What in the world is all of this?”

“Your closet.” Tyson leads me around the room, pointing out each of the sections. “Dresses, pants, tops, belts, shoes, bags.” He pulls open a drawer and smiles wickedly as he lifts a barely-there pair of panties and adds, “Lingerie.”

I yank the lacy material out of his hand, blushing. I drop it back into the drawer and slam it shut. The one underneath it pops open a little, and I see bra straps through the gap. I look up at Tyson with raised brows. “You bought me bras? How would you even know what size to get?” Then I think back to his alarm code and security password. “Never mind. That’s nothing compared to you getting my social security number. You do realize you’ve gone way overboard in gathering information about me, right?”