When he sets me to the side and straightens my gown, I whimper in protest. “It’ll only be a minute, baby. I can’t have the driver seeing you like this, but we’ll be inside soon.”

Chapter 6


I take a couple of deep breaths as the limo slows to a stop. My dick is so big and hard that I’m afraid I’ll tear my pants if I try and slide out too soon. But I’m impatient to get my girl inside the house and…that thought process won’t help. I start running through a list of my male clients in ridiculous costumes and after a minute, I feel like I can at least get out of the car without damaging my clothes.

Taking Colette’s hand in mine, I scoot over and climb out, then gently pull her up beside me. I nod at the driver before quickly ascending the two steps up to my front door. As I punch the combo into the keypad, I glance at Colette. “0420,” I tell her and turn the knob after the mechanism unlocks.

I gesture for her to walk in before me and as she passes by my body, she gives me a strange look. “Your passcode is my birthday. That’s a weird coincidence.”

Chuckling, I slam the door shut and yank on her hand so that she spins into my embrace. “No,” I tell her as I bury my face in the hollow between her neck and shoulder. Her hands rest on my biceps and practically burn right through my tux jacket and shirt. “I changed it yesterday so that it would be easy for you to remember. And if the security company calls, the password is the last four digits of your social security number.” My lips glide over her soft skin, placing small kisses and leaving little love bites.

She stiffens for half a second and huffs, “We’ll come back to how the hell you know my social security number but somehow missed who my father was later.” But when one of my hands palms an ass cheek and squeezes, while my mouth moves down to her collar bone, she melts with a moan. “But first tell me why you would do that for one night?” she asks breathlessly.

I growl and bite a little harder, making her shiver which sends my blood pumping straight to my cock. “I don’t think you understand what’s happening here, Colette.” Keeping a firm hold on her, with both hands on her ass, I raise my head and look her straight in the eye. “When you agreed to come home with me, you became mine.”

Her eyes widen just a touch, then her lips curve down in a frown. “So, any woman who lets you kidnap them and take them to your house becomes yours?”

I lightly run my fingertips up her back, then around to cup her beautiful face. “There haven’t been any other women, baby.”

Colette’s jaw drops and she stares at me in disbelief. “In this house?”

I shake my head and keep our gazes locked so she has no doubt that I’m completely serious. “Ever.” My voice is confident. I have no embarrassment over waiting for the right woman.

“How is that possible?” she asks with bewilderment.

I shrug, then sweep her up into my arms and make my way to the right wing of the house where the master suite is located. “I was so busy with school, then building my career, I just never made time for dating. And, honestly, I had no interest in having sex for the sake of losing my virginity or boasting about my prowess.” We walk into the bedroom and I stop, once again staring straight into her dark eyes. “I was waiting for the one.”

Colette’s breath seems to get caught in her lungs and her arms tighten, locked around my neck. “You just met me,” she stammers after a rushed exhalation.

I set her on her feet beside a huge bed that faces several sets of French doors which open up to a veranda, with a view of the ocean. Turning her around, I slowly slide her zipper down, inch by inch as I answer her. “I knew the minute I met you, Colette. There has never been any doubt in my mind that you would be everything to me. That you were meant to be mine.”

She gasps, and I’m not sure if it’s because of what I said or because her dress is now pooled on the ground around her feet. Probably a little of both.

I take two steps back and sweep my gaze over her, taking in the way the deep color of her strapless bra makes her skin look even more like porcelain. My heart skips several beats when my eyes land on the round, naked, globes of her ass, only the tiniest scrap of the deep purple material peeking out at the top and circling her hips. And, finally, the silky purple ties around her calves, attached to stiletto heels that I can barely wait to feel digging into my ass as I sink my cock into her pussy over and over.