“I’ve tried. Alton is either gone or still the demon’s captive.”

Bloody demon bitch. I will rip her out of that witch she’s possessing and destroy her one way or another.

“What about the dragon shifters?” I growl, cutting my gaze away.

“They’re settled in the Alaskan wilderness, all of them. And their numbers are much greater than they led us to believe, including the numbers of their women. Yet very few children are among them, so I believe them about the fact they’re mostly barren.”

Music thumping outside has me peering out the window, and it’s all I can do not to kill an incubus when I see him doing some weird fucking dance moves with my people.

“What the hell is that damn incubus doing now?” I say on an exasperated breath.

This day is officially my least favorite since I’ve been freed.

Kya smiles but recovers quickly, her lips returning to a respectable tense line as she clears her throat.

“I think that’s the Macarena,” she deadpans.

“What the fuck is the Macarena?”

She shrugs, looking around to avoid making eye contact with me. I swear her lips are twitching.

She’s spent too much time with those tossers.

The music changes to something about a whip and a nae nae or some nonsense, and so do the dance moves.

“I’m going to kill him,” I bite out, going to the door and jerking it open. My people are bloody laughing like their lives aren’t hanging in the balance during a time of war.

Have they all gone mad?

The incubus must be contagious.

The second Simone sees me, her eyes widen, and the music is killed.

“If you want to die, then by all means, keep dancing,” I drawl dispassionately. “If you’re here to survive and reap the souls of the ones who contained and tortured us for many long, gruesome centuries, then get your asses back on the training field and do something productive.”

Everyone scatters, sans the lone incubus, who simply takes a seat, smirking at me.

“If you were one of the seven dwarfs, your name would be Menacing. Or maybe Kill-Joy,” the pointless male tells me, which makes zero sense at all.

The dwarves I once knew had no different names than the rest of us.

“If you continue to be a distraction to my people, I will pull your spine out through your throat,” I growl.

He doesn’t even bat an eye at the very real threat. “I’ve actually heard that threat too many

times to count.”

When I take a step toward him, he leaps off the seat, laughing as he darts away. Madman. That’s all that incubus does—run and laugh. Why they insist on letting him continue to be a weak link is something I’ll never understand.

But I’m sick of him. I’m sick of all of them. All of the queen’s little group who have no clue about the depths of depravity we’re up against, while they continue to laugh and joke about life as though there’s an endless amount of it to expend.

Kya steps next to me as I try to calm my anger, my fists clenching and unclenching. I was too damn close to having my brother. I could already have him locked away in the personalized prison I built for him, but that damn group wrecked it all.

And when I get my hands on Gavin, I’m going to kill him. I don’t care what the queen and her minions say.

Quite simply, I want to kill a lot of people or make them wish they were dead.

“I need to go check on my sister. Since our joining, her baby seems to be draining her more. She’s not going to be able to help us in the next fight,” Kya says on a sigh.