Her words die in my mouth when I kiss her, lifting her as she smiles against my lips, and we both frantically shred the other’s clothes that remain.

Her nails are already digging into my back before her fangs even find my shoulder. It’s like a shot of seduction straight into the veins, and my already painful erection starts keeping time with my pulse before I push inside her, fucking her on a small patch of flowers as I kiss her like I can’t stop.

It’s hard and fast for a while, then lazy and intense. The air grows colder as the night changes around us. And she’s here. She’s real. I didn’t fail.

It wasn’t all for nothing.

Now nothing can touch us.

Not tonight.

Hopefully not fucking tomorrow.


Ten years later…


“Porcupine penis is called porcupeen,” Dice says in a tone that makes it sound like he’s arguing, but I have no idea where he’s going with that.

“We’re arguing about you forgetting Kicera’s soccer game. Not about porcupine penises,” Karma says on a sigh.

“I really fail to see why she loves him on days like this,” Kya says from beside me.

“Just days like this?” Slade asks from my other side, already massaging his temples.

Dice does that to him.

“Fine. You can call it a spike. But porcupeen sounds better,” Dice prattles on, acting as though he’s effectively handled this argument.

Then he nods off, falling asleep.

A domestic incubus is actually oddly entertaining. Karma is smirking as his head falls to her shoulder.

“I don’t think I want to know why he’s so sleepy if she’s smirking like that. It takes a lot for immortals to tire out,” Chaz grumbles, causing Karma’s smirk to spread.

I glance over as Cole and Kicera spar, wooden swords in hand, laughing as they try to pretend-hack each other to pieces.

“Any new developments?” Dad asks as he lowers himself to a chair, stretching out for our regular family meeting.

“Nothing since the last raid a few days ago, but we’ve gotten a couple of promising tips about some of the ones in hiding. It’ll take a while to get them all,” I tell him.

“I’m a patient man,” Slade says from my side, yawning like he’s tired too.

I smirk this time, and sit a little taller as I shoot Karma a smug look.

“Please. Mine’s full blooded incubus. You can’t compete,” she says with a snort.

“I don’t know why I come to these things,” Slade says, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head as I grin.

“You have an exhausting kid,” I point out.

As if cued, lightbulbs burst around the patio, and everyone swings their gaze to Kicera and Cole, who are both pointing fingers of blame at each other.

“I’ll get it,” Dice says as he jerks awake, blinking as he looks around.

“Their powers are raw,” Mom says on a sigh. “But at least they have each other to lean on while accidentally wreaking havoc and causing mayhem.”