I snort.

Kimber snorts.

Then Kya and Leah laugh while groaning.

“You haven’t even heard about the deer yet,” I tell them, though Kya knows exactly why we need more deer.

“The fate of the world depends on us. God help us all,” Kya says, palming her face.

Someone knocks three times, and Kya blurs to open the door. Standing at the top is the demon we’ve been waiting to see.

“I was told I might be removed from a blood oath if I came to help in your plans without telling Drackus,” Shaylan says as he eyes Kya then starts walking down the steps.

Taking a shaky breath, I nod at him.

“I can’t be removed from that oath. Even though I hate it, it’s the only bit of humanity I’m tethered to.”

I frown at that, because I had no idea he actually wanted the blood oath.

“Drackus is your source of humanity?” Kimber asks dryly, eyebrows up in horror.


sp; Shaylan’s lips ghost a smile for a split second. “It’s far better than the alternative, I assure you. I have no conscience at all, otherwise.”

“Well, do you have enough humanity to help us even without the huge incentive we thought we had to offer?” I ask a little less confidently.

He shrugs a shoulder. “Tell me what you need me to do before I supply an answer.”

My eyes connect with his and hold. “Nothing much. Just wrestle with a much stronger demon for a few minutes,” I deadpan.

“You mean Hannah,” he surmises, then a dark grin tugs at his lips. “In that case, I’d be happy to help.”

“That easy?” Kya asks skeptically, her eyes narrowing on him.

“If she wins this war, she’ll turn this world into the hell I worked so hard to escape. So yes, it’s that easy,” he states seriously.

“Don’t tell Drackus,” Kimber says again.

“Trust me, Drackus probably knows more than you think. You’re not very good at being discreet,” he says carelessly. “So explain to me what exactly I need to do.”

Chapter 35


“It’s not just Ella who dies. It’s not just Ella at stake. It’s not just tonight that matters for all of you. I’m simply saying she’s my only priority. The rest of the world is for you to give a damn about,” I growl, furious at Kane for telling Chaz, Zee, and Gage about my journal and my plan. “And these new, deformed abominations she’s added into her army are a novel variable, because she had to grow stronger to counter me. In all the other timelines, her attacks were relentless, but I’ve fucking put a stop to that. Now she’s finally battling again because she’s gotten stronger.”

I should have known better. Stupid fucking memories made me believe Kane wouldn’t run his mouth. In another time, he was loyal to me.

“I only told you this because Ella already knows and is up to some half-cocked miracle scheme to change what cannot be changed. If my plan deviates, you’re all essentially fucked. Do you understand? Just because my mission is Ella, it doesn’t mean she’s the only one at stake tonight.”

“I’m okay with you dying,” Zee says with a dark smile.

“Especially if it saves the world,” Thad adds with a shrug.

“Usually it feels like you’re sacrificing something when someone is dying for the ‘greater’ cause, but not so much this time,” Gage points out.

“Then why the hell won’t you tell me where she’s been hiding all day? And why did you come here to make me go through my entire plan again?” I bite out angrily.