“Three new variables,” I say, pointing back at Kya. “You died in all these scenarios. Karma died in some more,” I tell her, pointing at the timelines. “Karma died that night she was most recently kidnapped, and Dice wasn’t with her because they weren’t together. And then—”

I stop short.

“And then?” Dice asks, and Kya’s eyes widen.

You’re a terrible secret keeper! #zombiedick is coming, Kimber writes on the board.

We’ve unfortunately had this conversation a few times before his entry.

“And theeeeen?” Dice drawls insistently.

The three of us blink like we’re all waiting on the other to say something intelligent.

“And then and then and then!” Dice shouts annoyingly.

“And then they merged,” Kimber says, playing it off.

“But how? Karma always died when kidnapped without me. No merging,” Dice points out.

All three of us freeze, then I think back. Kya and Karma merged in a few timelines, but it was because Chaz almost died. The one time he died …

Then I get a little queasy when I wipe off my original request, and change it while Kimber placates Dice.

“You’re right. My bad,” she tells him. “New variable.”

“That’s what I’m here for. Even though that’s not a very little variable. However, they lived and merged in other timelines when Kya was kidnapped instead of Karma,” he says.

I forget Kya can’t read until I’m pointing at the fresh words I’ve written and she’s trying to sound them out. She’s been writing things down in slave language, so she writes something down in that language and points to it for me.

I feel stupid, and she arches a condescending eyebrow at me. “It’s easy to forget you can’t read,” I mutter.

“For the record, no one tell Karma about this,” Dice says just as I’m about to say something else.

“Why?” Kya asks, already letting him distract us because she doesn’t know the really important things I’m trying to get her to do.

“Because she’s going to expect me to spend centuries scarring my body to get stronger to protect her. I’d like to avoid that,” he deadpans.

Huffing, I dematerialize, going to find Slade. I’ll have to get with Kya when Dice isn’t around, and right now he is around and reminding me of everything Slade has gone through for me.

Slade’s walking out of his cabin just as I near, and I practically throw myself at him. Despite the fact everyone is watching, his arms come around me immediately, and he kisses me as he walks us back into his cabin.

He grins against my lips when my legs fasten around his waist, and we dematerialize into the woods. Lately, it’s the place we both love the most.

Chapter 33


“Why the hell is he here?” Zee growls. “He put a sword through my gut the last time we saw him.”

“After I took it away from you when you were trying to stab it through my chest,” I point out, knocking some dirt off my sleeve.

“He’s here to speak with me,” Kane says firmly, staring at Zee for a second. Zee levels me with a glare before walking out.

Kane returns his attention to me, and he releases a heavy sigh while handing me back my journal.

“Rather testy fellow, isn’t he?” I muse.

“You put the girl he loves in an underground cell and nearly beat her to death.”