“Even I find this creepy,” Kya states as the ruckus outside gets louder, drawing her attention to it.

“Well, it’s your side of the family too,” I remind her.

I look out to see Slade and Kane circling each other, and I quickly deposit our immortal-soul-eating little sweetheart to Karma’s arms, before rushing back to the window.

Both lycans are growling. Both are gnashing their teeth. And both are seemingly oblivious to the chaos around them as the last monster falls and all the regular beasts turn on each other.

Alyssa steps through the hole in the wall before I can stop her, and I trip over myself to catch up, grabbing my dropped sword on the way. “Get back inside you pregnant crazy lady!” I snap.

And draw way too much attention to us. Horrible thing to do on a red moon night amongst a legion of beasts. I know I look too—hashtag—damn tasty.

“My second favorite pair of leather pants have just been ruined,” I state flatly when five pairs of various colored eyes land on us.

As if she’s just been waiting for the right time, she suddenly shifts, her dress ripping off her body as her lycan emerges, bigger than usual. I really didn’t think she had enough strength to do that, but I’m so not second guessing my luck right now.

I take a step back. Clearly she can handle this without me.

Tipping her head back, she roars into the air. It sounds like earsplitting thunder shooting out of the speakers at a Metallica concert. Damn, I miss the eighties. Or was that the nineties?

I’ll Google it later.

Ella slides to her side, still in lycan form with a lot of fresh gashes of her own, and the two of them tip their heads back, releasing the same roar together.

I’m forced to cover my ears as I drop to my knees, feeling a pressure pushing against the sternum of my chest, as though they’re commanding me to my motherfucking knees. I don’t feel as bad about it when I see Drackus and Calypso doing the same.

I’m not the only one either. All the beasts start dropping to their bellies, eyes going down, as the two continue to rattle the air.

The second the roaring stops and the pressure in my chest decreases, I see all the beasts turn around and bolt in numerous different directions.

Alyssa quickly shifts back to flesh, staggering like that took all she had. Leaping to her side, I steady her and look around for Kane, who has vanished. Shit. Maybe he’s back in the cage, if we’re lucky.

Ella shifts just as fast, weirdly not affected by the moon, and she helps Alyssa back inside, actually lifting her pregnant mother and carrying her.

It’s an odd sight, if I’m being honest.

Alyssa looks completely exhausted, muttering something about Karma having a gestation period cats envy, while she’s giving elephants a run for their money.

Slade is standing in flesh form, stepping over Zee, who glares at his back while pulling a knife out of his stomach. Did the scarred menace put a blade through the freaky night stalker’s stomach? Or is Zee just hating him like usual?

Not important.

Dropping to my ass, I reach inside my pocket, pulling out the cigar I’ve been holding onto for not very long at all, and light it off a burning chunk of…I’m not really sure if that’s a heart or a lung.

Regardless, it’s fire, and I use it.

Tonight, I’m a daddy.

Chaz takes the cigar I hand him when he comes to help me to my feet, and I clap my baby’s new uncle on the shoulder.

“My baby really knows how to make an entrance,” I say as a piece of the roof collapses and lands beside me on the ground.

We both look at it, then b

ack to each other. He rolls his eyes, groaning as he steps inside.

“Best night ever,” I yell to the woods full of vicious, ungrateful, savages who couldn’t appreciate my queen baby. “Hashtag, fuck you all and goodnight.”

Chapter 32