“You’re definitely doing good so far,” I tell her, hissing out a breath as she starts kissing her way down my chest, the vicious howls of the night creeping through the open window.

My hand digs into her hair, roughly tugging her head up before I lose focus, since she’s kissing her way down my body in a way I’ve never imagined would actually happen.

She doesn’t even make a sound, just comes as I drag her back up my body, my eyes on hers as I nip at her lips. “Tell me where you were,” I say again.

“I was with Kimber. There’s officially a block on you from seeing me when I’m not with you, unless I want to be seen.”

“Why wouldn’t you want to be seen?” I growl.

She pushes forward, despite my grip, since I loosen it immediately to keep from actually hurting her. Damn maddening girl.

Her lips brush mine, and this incredibly good seduction routine she’s putting on resumes as she stays on all fours over me.

“Because I like for you to miss me,” she says with a smirk.

A growl vibrates in my chest, but she just nips my lips again, teasing me.

“Were you with Alton?” I ask her more seriously.

She sighs, then rolls her eyes. “Briefly. I felt sort of sorry for him when he started crying, so I left, since it felt wrong to—”

“Don’t go around him again,” I bite out.

“Okay,” she says too easily, not even arguing. Which is definitely not Ella.


She shrugs a shoulder, pulling her finger up my chest.

“And don’t block me out again, whatever it is you’re doing.”

Her eyes find mine and hold as she leans all the way over to my mouth, just barely staying out of reach. “No.”

“No?” I ask incredulously.

She shrugs an unapologetic shoulder again.

“Ella, trust me when I say I’ve earned the damn right to see what you’re doing at all times.” She flinches. It’s barely there, but I notice it, and I narrow my eyes. “You’re constantly getting yourself into trouble,” I go on.

“Sorry about that,” she says quietly, though the apology sounds oddly genuine.

“What the fuck is going on with you?” I ask her, sitting up with her in my lap.

“You know, pushing me away on a red moon night where I feel every bit of me on fire and alive instead of crazed and abandoned by sanity might be what’s going on,” she points out, a serious expression in her eyes. “I’m trying to be seductive. I even hurried through a shower before coming over here because Kimber and I set the woods on fire.”

“Why did you set the woods on—”

She kisses me again, I give the hell up on getting answers from her stingy lips.

“Show me some of your fantasies,” she murmurs against my lips, driving me out of my mind.

I’m not going into any chains, so I knock those fantasies off the list.

Putting her hands on the backs of mine, she drags my hands up her body, and my eyes stay riveted to her breasts when she pushes them into my face, the small sundress doing very little to cover them up, since the three buttons in the middle of her cleavage are undone. Probably on purpose.

“Minx,” I say as she bites down on my bottom lip, causing me to hiss out another breath when she almost draws blood, teasing me more.

“Show me,” she says again, sliding my hands up until their on her face.