You’ll continue to see the night she crashes, yet somehow know she’s not dead.

You can never see what happens next until it’s happening.

You will not ruin her this time.

Loving her so freely always ruins her. The harder you love her, the harder she loves you. She’ll die for you if she loves you.

When you’re weak, you’ll come here, and you’ll remember. You’ll remember for just long enough to know why you’re doing this.

You’re doing this for her.

You’ve planned this for centuries. For her.

You’ll construct a private supply of power that you’ll believe it to be a prison for Alton. You’ll know it doesn’t make sense, since his blood is your blood, and he’d eventually figure out how to siphon it just enough to escape without dying. So you question why you think it’s a prison, but you continue to talk yourself into it being it’s a fact. Don’t worry, he’ll suffer a prison of his own making. The guilt will destroy him more thoroughly than you ever could.

You’ll let him think the prophecy only kills one.

You’ll let everyone think this, including yourself.

But there is no prophecy. It’s another planted illusion inside Alton’s mind you’ve created to keep your mate away from the exhausted, ineffective paths that leave her dead and you alive.

Even Hannah will believe we’re a way to bring her portal to life, which will help shift her attention from the princess, at least temporarily.

Her portal never opens to the Lokies.

Her variables are all wrong.

The prophecy is just another lie. Another piece of this elaborate, complicated plan full of misdirection and false legends.

Sniffling and wiping away the tears from my face, I point at the last part. “We have to tell Dad. We can shift all our efforts to just killing Hannah. Fuck Morgana and Gavin. They’d be selfish in this same situation. Slade never asked for any of this,” I bite out angrily.

“I don’t think he plans to save Morgana,” she tells me, her finger running over the equation. “This equation is to eviscerate a demon, using the energy channeling formula from earlier. He told Gavin he could reset her mind, sold it by making it seem to be a punishment, but even if that were true, Morgana’s mind would be scrambled, and she’d be dead. It’s the only way to forcibly eject Hannah, since she’s been in that body for so long.”

I pause, for some reason finding that information to seem important.

“Morgana’s mind would be scrambled,” I say quietly, my mind flicking back to Alton and how broken he is, then thinking of all the others.

“She’s been a prisoner in her own head for so long. Hell, she was a weak witch when this started so long ago, and Hannah has been using her body to strengthen herself. Morgana has been unable to even scream for help. The death will be a mercy. There’s no magical reset button, and I’m not seeing anywhere on here where he plans to eject her the way he claimed. Maybe he thinks he will, when in all actuality—”

“She’s going to die, and he needed to convince Gavin he could save her, so he adjusted what he believes, using these pages,” I interrupt, moving her along. “We can worry about Morgana some other time. Right now, I need to know how the hell to save his life,” I mutter to myself.

You’ll still obsess over learning Hannah’s motives, because learning is the entire point of this experiment—learning the variables needed to finally make enough impact to change your mate’s future.

The portal opening is your best chance at killing Hannah, due to cosmic activity that heightens your abilities—the very thing that gave you the idea to name yourselves the Gemini. Alton will be able to help you access the power from the prison, because his blood is your blood, and he will be the final channel to deliver the killing blow.

My mind flashes back to something Mom said not long ago. “I know you’re different. We’re always different, constantly evolving with each generation. But I still understand, Ella. Your blood is still my blood.”

My mind races, trying to piece together my own plan, using his own ideas and twisting them so that I can pull them off myself. And do it without dying.

This will allow your mate time to get stronger, and to allow you time to prepare her and yourself for what’s to come after that. Hopefully you won’t even remember her name, because the fewer details, the better, but you can only control so much.

This war was never to stop Hannah from invading the Lokies, because despite Hannah’s best attempts, it never happens.

This was all to save your beloved from being possessed by Hannah, because once Hannah realizes she can only fail, she jumps bodies, eviscerates Ella’s soul, and you always watch

the only good thing left in your life be destroyed.

The princess needs to believe there’s hope to save you, or she’ll be on a mission to save you herself. Let her focus on you by trying to save your mind instead of looking for other means to save your life.