Ella is cradled against me, still half asleep, stirring every so often to mumble Slade’s name.

“I vote we not tell Kane about any of this,” I say, adjusting Ella’s head to be at a less awkward angle.

She simply shifts and gets awkward again.

“I second that vote,” Gage says.

Kimber groans. “What does he do to knock her out like that? Because that would be an awesome trick.”

“I’m fairly positive we’d have to be as strong as she is, or stronger, to be able to pull that off,” I point out.

“Which is what worries me,” Gage says on a quiet breath. “What happens when the Master is taken out, and Slade has no one else to focus his fury on? He’s attacked us multiple times as it is. What happens when there’s no longer another distraction? It’s obvious he’s stronger than Ella, and I never though

t that possible.”

“He’s older and more adjusted to his power. Ella is fighting a losing battle with the darker powers she holds,” I defend.

My mind flits back to Kya, the look in her eyes and the way it changed when everyone was around. When it was just the two of us, she looked unguarded, willing, and as hungry as I felt. The wall came up again when we lost that solitude.

I hate them and love them for interrupting. As I said, I have no idea what the beast truly wanted. I know what I wanted, but not having any control over my actions really pisses me off.

When I groan, Kimber and Thad turn to look at me.

“Where’s Zee and his niece?” I ask, needing the distraction.

“He returned her to her home, and he’s staying in the area until there’s a heavy guard presence. Kane and Alyssa are sending reinforcements to look after them so that he can return and help us.”

“So the sister knows Zee is alive?”

“No. He’s sticking to the shadows. The kid’s memories were wiped. To her knowledge, she was taken by a crazy woman who thought she was her daughter, but let her go when she realized she wasn’t. There was only so much that could be erased, so that was the direction we went.”

I nod absently, still thinking about Kya when I should be thinking about everything else.

“So... Kya?” Thad asks, making me wonder if I just spoke her name aloud.

“What about her?”

Gage’s eyes meet mine in the mirror again, but he continues driving, not commenting.

“What’s up with you two? Something you’re not telling us?” Thad goes on, prying.

“How many people have you killed?” I ask casually, turning to face him.

His eyes harden. “Why would you ask that?”

I shrug carelessly. “You have things you wish to hold quiet, and so do I,” I tell him.

To this, the asshole smirks. “So that’s what’s up with Kya.”

He waggles his eyebrows, and I roll my eyes, tired of being stuck in the vehicle. I could transport home now, but then everyone would have even more questions. I’m still not sure what Ella will remember from all this.

But there’s no doubt that Gage knows everything. Slade too.

I’ll deal with that crossroad when I get there.

The car ride is quiet for the most part after that, other than Kimber aimlessly spouting off hundreds of theories to the massive fucking puzzle. As soon as she ends one theory, she comes back with her own complicated sets of issues that contradict the previous conclusion.

Why have demons taken over night stalkers?